The list goes on and on. Your email address will not be published. Which is Better to Learn First Guitar of Bass. Many beginner guitarists will ask. It's easy to get discouraged when learning to play the instrument, and long-time guitarists often take for granted the complex hand mechanics involved in playing. If you choose to learn the acoustic first, then really you end up learning two instruments and not only one. I have a beautiful Martin that I bought 12 years ago. Playing ANY musical instrument can be a challenge, especially when one have no musical background or any experience in playing on any musical instruments before. Learning from people who aren’t qualified to teach can actually make you develop bad habits, which makes it more difficult to learn and progress in the long run. After that, transitioning to the other instrument is almost always easy. Hi, my name is Elias Jireis, and I'm the owner of this site. The fact of the matter is that your natural talent does play a factor in how hard it is to learn the guitar. I have heard of a few cases of classical guitarists starting later in life and being successful but I suspect that those players likely played other styles of music on guitar first prior to switching over to classical guitar. If you've had other difficulties and challenges, or are aware of any regarding the whole process of learning to play the guitar that I didn't mention above, please let me know by dropping a comment below. This is an advanced guitar skill that is extremely hard to learn or be taught. Guitar Advise is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you’re interested in learning guitar, there are a ton of online resources out there that can get you from zero to hero relatively quickly. Sometimes you'll find it so hard that you won't want to pick the guitar up - this is normal. It’s an amazing instrument that every once in a while you feel the NEED to just grab it and play on it, even if only casually. You wouldn’t believe how many classics consist of only basic 2 or 3 chord progressions. There is a tool for beginners to skip sore fingertips (especially for the first 3 months) called “artificial calluses” which may help. However, you need the correct practicing methods and tricks, I suggest looking at this post: Click here. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication to really become great. If you just want to be able to play chords to accompany your singing, then it is relatively easy to learn guitar. You’re only too old to learn guitar if that’s what you already believe. For some, learning guitar could be one of the hardest things you ever do. around 5 years more than me Very interesting! Some people look at the guitar and wonder how one can possibly learn to play on that thing! Good luck and keep on rocking your guitar! Whether or not there’s a “best age” to learn the guitar is not a simple question to answer. If your body is not big enough, then you’ll have difficulty resting the curves of the guitar on your lap and around your arm. A lot of experienced guitarists around here giving away valuable tips, thanks to all of you. Good luck! I love playing guitar though I’m still a beginner I can already hear the difference between the way I played when I first started (when my fingers would hurt so bad). Learning guitar is an ongoing process. The truth is that it really depends from person to person. Hi Dan, appreciate the comment. As previously mentioned, your specific goals as a guitar player will determine how hard it is to learn guitar. Thanks for the post! Choosing the right teacher, website, or online guitar lesson service can have a HUGE impact on how hard it is to learn guitar. Do you have any suggestions? Read Also: 13 Best Guitar Learning Apps for iOS and Android, While there are some aspects of playing guitar that are not that hard to learn, there are definitely some aspects that make it fairly difficult for new players. And even if you got more specific with it (“be able to play Wagon Wheel at an open mic”), you’re still not doing yourself any favors. Get access to thousands of guitar video lessons by professional guitar teachers. very interesting ! Since it’s not mandatory for guitar players, you could argue that learning how to play guitar is much easier than other instruments. Some people have fear of strings, they get intimidated when they look at a stringed musical instrument. Guitar Tricks is an easy and fun way to the learn guitar from the comfort of your own home. Beginners’ Challenges and Useful Tips. When you get to the point where you’re playing songs, there will be a ton of different techniques you’ll need to get proficient at. While it is true that it's a subjective matter whether you find the guitar easy or hard to learn, interesting or boring, I'm going to highlight some of the things that might present a challenge to the guitar student, generally speaking. Since the frets on a guitar are fairly spaced out, if you have smaller hands, then it can be much more difficult to play guitar in general. Some people will find one instrument more difficult to learn than all other instruments, while others might view it as extremely easy. Here are some reasons why it is not hard to learn guitar. I started learning to play in the 1970s (like lots and lots of other people) and I'd say that if I … There are an unlimited number of guitar learning resources out there. Almost every musical instrument requires coordination, whether it's the guitar, the piano, the drums, or even the flute. So save up at least around 300 bucks to invest in a guitar. And there’s NOTHING wrong with that. Primarily the reason learning to play guitar is difficult is due to muscle co-ordination. Learning guitar is a personal experience – everyone progresses and learns at their own rate. Others just want to learn how to play some of their favorite songs to impress their friends (and there’s nothing wrong with that). That said, some have the added benefit of being naturally talented guitar players. Get your 14-day Free Trial! Whichever guitar you acquire, you must take care of your guitar by learning to tune and maintain it. But that said, not everyone has the goal of becoming a guitar legend. Despite what you may think, learning guitar can actually be easy when compared to other instruments such as piano. It doesn’t even need to be expensive either. That one also takes some time to get used to. For many people, their goal is  just to be able to play some simple chords on the guitar to accompany their singing. I love recording music and filming guitar covers and I occasionally post them on YouTube. I'm very passionate about guitars and music in general, so I decided to put that passion into action and create something useful to help others looking to learn how to play this instrument. This is not to say that guitar will not have crazy hard, and difficult to learn techniques that take years to perfect. And as a result, there is a TON of resources readily available to aspiring guitar players. Unless you are planning on doing a lot of traveling, you don’t need a hard case or deluxe super-padded bag for an entry-level acoustic that could well cost more than the guitar. Whichever one you choose to play first, it is crucial to learn the basics. The cost of online guitar lessons is VERY low. I would like to have a Top-5-advices to make playing guitar easier , Yes that was going to be my next article. Get the best deals on musical instruments and recording equipment at Sweetwater! And when you’re first starting out, it feels like they’re in completely random order with no rhyme or reason, which makes learning guitar very hard at first. Whether you’re a 10 year old kid or a 50 year old adult, it’s never too late to start learning guitar. Although I don’t think it is mandatory, but I’ve yet to see an electric guitar player who cannot play on the acoustic. How Hard Is It to Learn Banjo? Depending on how diligent you are with your practice, you could learn all the chords you need within a few months. As you might have gathered, the guitar’s main limitation in playing chords is that only one note can be sounded per string, so it’s a little harder to come up with workable voicing. They learn to sort … If you’re looking for something more structured and comprehensive lessons, I would recommend the online guitar lesson service, Guitar Tricks which only costs $20 per month. I will also admit that I suggested it to an adult student of mine about 10 years ago and he (contrary to my advice) dipped his entire hand into the fluid. We’ll talk about what elements of learning guitar make it extremely difficult as well as some reasons why many would consider learning guitar easy compared to other instruments. Search Youtube for any of the professional guitar experts and watch them shred the guitar with their eyes closed. Being a drummer for over 40 years I also advocate the acoustic kit verses an electric kit to those I mentor. If you know your basic open major and minor chords, then you can play literally THOUSANDS of songs. It's harder than the autoharp or ukulele. Made my day Well sore fingers is one of those things that you’ve just got to let it happen and slug through it. This concept is very hard for new players to understand. There are certain distinct characteristics to their play style that make them easily distinguishable no matter what they’re actually playing. Everyone thinks you are amazing. To me, it’s really the intensive training it requires to get better that makes it hard to learn guitar and get to the next level. By learning as many scales as you can on the guitar beforehand, you are likely to have an easier time playing the bass, as the bass is a very scale-oriented instrument. I summarized the most important points of why the guitar can be a difficult instrument to learn in general. He got a good bill from the hospital ER. Another thing that you’ll need to consider is that it’s actually painful to press down on the metal strings when you’re first starting out. The most common question I get from people interested in learning guitar is “how hard is it to learn guitar?”. It is a difficult instrument to learn in the first month as the well-known G to D chord jump can be a huge hurdle to pass. The alarm goes off. 4 Unlike an instrument like piano, where you can start learning as young as 3 years old, many children under the age of 5 will have a hard time holding the guitar in a natural position. However, there is a reason why it can be difficult to play the banjo, unlike a traditional guitar which is played by strumming the strings or plucking with a pick. If so, then it will definitely be difficult to get to that level of play. Of course, there are aspects of playing the guitar that are very simple, such as in the case of tablature where in most other instruments you must learn to read the musical notes and music theory, but this post was all about the difficulties and the challenges that one can face with learning the guitar. An expensive guitar is useless if it is not adequately cared for. Do you know anyone who has mentioned that they want to learn guitar? It's "till death do us part". Again, it’s a complicated question and really depends on you and your goals as a guitar player. This is a really amazing article and it’s clear that you know what you’re talking about. However, if you put in the hard work and dedication, you’ll find that learning guitar is actually not that hard compared to other instruments. 20 years playing the guitar eh? As I read through your article, memories were rekindled of the evenings I spent studying for my finals and my guitar lay silent on my bed beside me BEGGING TO BE PLAYED! Don't let the difficulties in learning the guitar be an obstacle to you and prevent you from aspiring to excel in playing it, but rather let it be a source of motivation for you, to challenge yourself and prove to yourself that you can do it. The good news is, you can absolutely teach yourself guitar! I’ll search for it in Amazon and see if I can find it. I was forcibly removed when I was 16. Although mastering the guitar can take decades, there are techniques and methods that you can use to … Learning how to fret the notes on one hand and strum the string on the other are two entirely different skills that you need to learn. They initially dealt … You’ll really need to improve your finger strength and dexterity to be able to stretch your fingers far enough to reach certain notes. Well, its hard for me to measure it properly against other instruments, but it is a very challenging instrument to play well. Maybe you were one of those people, but you've realized that with practice and a little bit of willpower, nothing is impossible. For others, learning to play guitar will be very hard and it’ll take a lot longer for it to click with them. For a beginner’s capo, the D’Addario NS Capo Lite is a good option and it will give you change from 10 bucks. It takes a lot of hard work, determination, and proper technique. So we’ve answered the question, “how hard is it to learn guitar?”. I’ve been playing guitar for over 10 years now, and I’m a total nerd when it comes to gear. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a firm believer that ANYONE can learn how to play the guitar. This … On the other hand, players like Jimi Hendrix can play something that technically is pretty sloppy, but sounds amazing simply because of the “feel” he puts into it. .hide-if-no-js { Required fields are marked *, −  That point on its own is an obstacle already before even touching or trying to play on the guitar. It’s an essential skill for anyone learning how to play these types of instruments. But by now, you’re probably wondering how long it will actually take you to learn the guitar. Most people think learning to play is hard) I truly believe that they have created the fastest system for learning guitar online. Thanks Elias as someone who is just learning you hit on the mistake I made and that was trying to learn on an electric guitar. It is popular worldwide and in many cultures. Why is guitar hard to learn? The problem that a lot of beginners run into when first starting to learn … The idea that the tone is in the fingers essentially means that there are many intricacies when in terms of how you play the notes that significantly change how the song sounds. Some are difficult to play. I spend most of the time playing the classical guitar recently, I have it outside regularly on a stand, ready to be caressed whenever I need it . Plus be the first to get all our latest news, updates, and coupons for training programs, Amazon products and more? You could play all of the notes of a song correctly from a technical aspect and still sound completely lifeless and expressionless like a robot. We'll never spam your email. I have been playing guitar for 10 years and still have trouble sweep picking with sufficient speed. I totally agree with everything you’ve said here. Cleaning guitar strings is an important part of maintenance. That said, depending on your natural ability and aptitude for music, it’ll significantly affect how hard it is to learn guitar for you. It requires a significant amount of time and trial and error to understand where all the notes are located on the fretboard and to recognize the patterns and positions. If you merely start to enjoy the guitar then you need the best classes available on the market to learn to play this difficult tool and the very best is Jamorama website, here The guitar is the most popular instrument to learn. How difficult it is to learn guitar will also depend on your goals as a player. Factors That Determine How Hard It Is to Learn Guitar, Is Playing Guitar Easy?- Reasons Why Learning Guitar is NOT Hard, Tons of Guitar Lesson and Tutorials Online, Is Playing Guitar Difficult? Boom. Guitar's one of the easier instruments to learn to play compared to violin, oboe, trumpet, piano etc. Let’s study the basics of the guitar a bit more. The most difficult aspect is mastering the slide technique, playing notes in the correct pitch while muting strings. Your email address will not be published. Changing Between Chords - This is definitely the first problem beginners run into. It may have been hard to learn on your own time 20 years ago, but now great information is everywhere. Would you love to have this print-ready guitar practice schedule to help you manage your training times and routine? Another thing to consider is the size of your hands. Good thing we have an easily accessible internet today with abundant information and videos on guitar playing. The guitar is one of the most beloved musical instruments in the world. Also, it would look weird if he can’t! Many moons ago. I’ve been playing guitar for 20 years but still remember the pain of the sore fingers! Many people pick it up and become masters of rhythm, while others fail miserably with basic chords. Lots of good info for people like me, Thanks! The fact that there are hundreds of different micro techniques that you’ll need to learn throughout your guitar playing journey makes learning guitar very hard. Some of the more advanced techniques, such as sweep picking could take years of practice before you’re proficient at it. The power of the internet has created an awesome database of resources for those who really want to learn. When it comes to playing guitar, it’s not what you play, but rather how you play it. Playing the guitar at the higher levels requires intensive training of the fingers, wrists, hands and even the whole arm starting from the shoulders. by Elias Jireis | Nov 11, 2016 | Informational, Top List | 14 comments. Guitar Vs Violin Conclusion. If you’re just someone who wants to learn how to play songs and chords to accompany your singing, you could effectively learn how to play guitar in a few months. There’s no way around that. What you may learn on a guitar, you can easily apply on a bass guitar and vice versa. Just the act of holding a guitar in a comfortable position can be difficult due to how long the instrument is. “Learn to play the guitar” is so incredibly vague, you can’t possibly know if you’re succeeding or not. If you only begin to enjoy the guitar you then need the very best classes available on the market to learn to play this difficult instrument and the most effective is Jamorama website, here Let me know in the comments below! Tracy thanks for the input. Love your post and website. (no, for reals. This is something that’s often overlooked by new players, but definitely makes it harder to learn guitar. Just gets better with age. People are different. Physical Difficulties. Working on it . Your picking hand and your fretting hand are doing completely different motions. Important: Remember, everything good in life does not come easy, but instead, it comes with difficulties and even sometimes frustrations. If you want to be the next John Petrucci, then it will be very difficult to get to that level. Start by learning the acoustic guitar first and work your way up to a bass. Ha ha! › most-difficult-instruments-to-learn You’ll just need to learn the finger positions for the chords and practice switching between them. Another reason why learning guitar is not hard is that you really don’t need to know a lot to be functional. I’ve got a Jackson electric guitar, great for solos and looks badass too. There are a TON of resources out there teaching you how to play guitar due to how popular the instrument is. He did say however that he was able to play without pain after though…. Any guitar is better than ‘no guitar’ of course, but ideally, you want a guitar that suits your body shape and size. Don't believe me? This is especially difficult for beginners who are learning to play guitar for the first time. Acoustic vs Electric Guitar – Playability. There are so many intricate aspects of learning guitar that you’ll always need to learn something new no matter how long you have been playing. I’ve seen some players who have a natural ear for music who can hear a song one time and figure out how to play it on the fly. Check out this article on how long it takes to learn guitar,which gives a breakdown of what you should expect after playing guitar for a certain amount of time. Related to guitar and playing guitar only watch them shred the guitar requires having or a... 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