Advertising Media Selection 1. The degree of readers’ interest in the advertising con­tent depends on the vehicle. The content of the medium usually determines the type of people in the audience. The brochure distributed from house to house by a sales person is direct advertising and not direct mail. PerformanceEdit This is typically measured on two dimensions: frequency and spread. The advertising or media objective is analysed in the light of constraints and components. The term “direct mail” refers to an advertising medium. The preferred media should be compatible with the advertising; message. It cannot .have a long message. During the declining stages of product use, the media remind the consumers that the products shall retain their appealing attributes. By definition, advertising is a "paid form of communication, in a non-personal media, designed to persuade." When the planner’s objective is to distribute the product more widely, he should use the media which influences potential dealers. The planner should understand how closely the medium’s audience matches the profile of the target market and how interested the prospective consumers are in the magazine, publication or a program. However, radio cannot permit selective advertising. Generally speaking, vernacular newspapers are very common in semi-urban areas. However, both cost of production as well as cost of distribution of slides and films are quite high. Selection – With Factors and Characteristics, Advertising Media Selection – Major Factors to be Considered for the Selection of a Particular Media, Advertising Media Selection – 4 Elements to Consider. These two media have been considered the most personal of the mass media. These are business gifts and means of publicity and patronage. If daily newspaper has 5, 00,000 subscribers and changes Rs. Advertising on TV is expensive. Advertising media selection. Advertising media selection Printing Display advertising, others transparent background PNG clipart size: 350x366px filesize: 223.47KB Advertisements Advertising management Computer Icons Marketing Advertising media selection, Random icons transparent background PNG clipart size: 1600x1600px filesize: 34.66KB The advertisements were shown in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Japan. Media strategy must achieve the communi­cation goals. Newspapers: Daily appearance, localised coverage, mass audience appeal, short lead times, poor reproduction quality, short life span. Micro scheduling patterns are classified on the basis of concentration, continuity and intermittently-phased out ads throughout the year. (iv) The nature of competition and the extent of coverage required. These are the overall campaign objectives and strategy, size and characteristics of each medium’s audience, exposure of the medium, cost efficiency of the medium and motivation value of each medium. It has a very wide appeal. There is, however, a growing discontent with the CPM criterion, for various vehicles have to be evaluated in terms of their qualitative characteristics and the services they provide. It has a general and wide appeal. All these criteria are integral to the media plan. 1. Advertiser’s name, address, phone number, and a short sales message are imprinted on the item. (vi) Cost – The cost of undertaking various forms of advertising should be assessed properly. The selection of a media is very important. If a visual demons­tration of a product seems necessary, the advertiser may turn to TV. After the general media strategy is determined, the planners select and choose particular media vehicles for communicating with their audience. Audience composition is used as the primary means of comparison between the media alternatives. The marketing strategy plays a definitive role to achieve marketing objectives, while the media strategy spells out what role and how the media plan will assist in the accomplishment of marketing strategies. In this context, newspapers, television, radio and outdoor media are known for the highest degree of frequency. (v) Out-Door or Mural – Posters, Hoardings, Sky advertising, Electrical. Spoken word has greater impact than written word. Now, newspapers have reduced advertising rates considerably and so it is cheaper and more popular as compared to television advertising. Here, trade magazines would toe a likely choice. The message is fleeting and serves as a good reminder medium. Download Full PDF Package. It offers greater prestige and believability. It is very common method of publicity. No one medium type is superior to all the others; each has its merits and its handicaps. Just because someone reads or buys a magazine does not mean they the sees the ads. (iii) Frequency – The media should allow the adjustment of frequency of advertisement. Advertising media selection. They are given to advertising targets without cost or obligation. The value of each medium is calculated by the planner on a set of specific criteria. We can have short commercials as well as sponsored programmes combining entertainment with advertisement. (iii) Transit Advertising: Railways, Buses, Aeroplanes, Trams, Taxis, Auto Rickshaws, Cars. Sports world magazine may be a poor vehicle for cigarette ads even though its demographic profile and image matches the desired target audience. Some media have greater impact on the target audience while others have less impact on them. Newspaper advertisements – Newspapers have the highest reach among other types of print advertisements. The medium or the media should be one that goes in line with the company’s distribution strategy, there is no point in advertising a product, if it is not available in retail outlets. In selecting media, adver­tisers should consider four elements: A smart move by an organization in media selection can be essential for advertising success. So, the advertiser must go in for that medium or media, where he gets the maximum participation, or schedule of insertions, to achieve an effective advertising programme. Waste in film publicity can be considerable. Magazines were not very popular up to the seventies in India. These ratings are tracked by INTAM and TAM through Peoplemeters. The media vary in terms of how far in advance advertisements must be submitted. It really represents sales promotion devices. What is the intensity and the intentness of this reading? The advertiser can choose from among 5,000 specialties in the market. The quality and quantity of a medium’s circulation are meaningful only in terms of the medium’s rates. Prize contests will help to build up the goodwill of the firm and may increase sales also. Media selection is a highly involved task for a marketer. When the typical reader of a certain magazine and the typical prospect of a certain manufacturer are the same individual, the quality of circulation is excellent. Radio uses only an audio (sound) signal, the copy can be submitted up to air time. People remember far more of what they see than of what they hear. The objective is to select those media that reach customers in the target segment with the minimum waste (minimum coverage of people or organizations not in the target market segment). How many of a newspapers three million readers will actually see the advertisement. The questions like- (a) what to communicate (b) to whom to communicate and (c) how to communicate should be answered properly. The profitability of any one type varies from manufacturer to manufacturer even within a single product classification, and may vary from year to year for a single manufac­turer. An advertising campaign cannot contribute to success unless the target audience is exposed to it. Having defined his buyer, the advertiser then determines how many there are and where they are. Coverage, then, is limited to users of the advertiser’s product and to persons who do not use it but should; it does not imply the maximum number of all the consumers. A particular magazine is read for weeks, months and so on. We can have short commercials as well as sponsored programmes combining entertainment with advertisement. Direct mail is any advertising sent by mail (postal transmission) including sales letters, folders, pamphlets, booklets, catalogues, and the like. The term audience composition refers to the characteristics of the people in the target audience. The direct mail is next in importance to television and newspaper in terms of quantity, quality and cost. They are best for coloured and attractive advertisements. The coverage may gradually be increased on the response of the audience. Effectiveness cannot be measured. It is not in direct competition with the rival’s matter. If the product is avail­able in local or regional areas, the media with national coverage will ordinarily not be used, unless the company plans to expand distri­bution. Effectiveness of advertising can be estimated by having keyed advertisements. The cost-per-thousand (CPM) rates are used to compare and select specific vehicles. Advertising media selection sales promotion personal selling Publicity 2 from CIS MISC at European Business School and Directorate The media planner must evaluate all the criteria to determine how well each media offers attention, exposure and motivation. New!! It represents typical combination of salesmanship and advertising. The radio cannot accommodate stories requiring a physical form, and outdoor advertising cannot accommodate long stories. TV, radio, films are costly in terms of buying time and preparing advertising copy. They have longer life, greater retentive value as well as reference value. Both radio and TV messages have no life span like the messages in printed form. These include a wide variety of items, such as calendars, books, matches, pens, pencils, knives, key rings, diaries, memo pads, cigarette lighters, blotters, paper weights, purses, rain-hats and so on. Generally, direct mail has a high cost per contact, and newspapers a low cost per contact. Consequently, many advertisers compare vehicles on such bases as cost per thousand prospects reached, or cost per thousand heavy buyers reached. In this context, newspapers, television, radio and outdoor media are known for the highest degree of frequency. Cinema viewing is very popular in the South and the smaller towns. Full opportunity exists for product demonstration and amplification of selling points with audio presentation. An expensive medium both in terms of cost of production and cost of exposure. OVERVIEW Developing an advertising campaign within the framework of an integrated marketing communication program is a vital function that high-quality advertising agencies provide. Continuity is a function of the media schedule and is a measure of the regularity of the advertising effort. The advertising budget should also be considered, particularly, when it is relatively small. Media selection helps the advertiser to find out which type of media to be used. The Weeklies, such as – The Illustrated Weekly of India, Link, Blitz, are extensively read in metropolitan cities. It can attract attention of numerous people; it is good to remind prospects. (iv) The nature of competition and the extent of coverage required. (vi) Co-Operation and Promotional Aids Offered by Media: A manufacturer may want to tie in his advertising with that of his dealers. It may allow the depiction of various colours in an advertisement. Magazine advertisements – Magazines can be used for niche advertisements. The media objectives are the goals to be reached through a proper use of media resources. Familiarity with ad writer’s campaign may affect interest of the audience significantly but there is very little motivation. It can secure dealer support. Advertising is most effective when it positions a product as a part of the solution that customer seek. Selective advertising is not possible. The two strategies are compatible at the end of the process. (iii) The type of prospects, their location and other characteristics. Media selection involves a basic understanding of the capabilities and costs of the major advertising media. TV cannot have a long advertising copy. The media models are linear programming models, heuristic models, simulation models. (v) Time and Location of Buying Decision: The advertiser should select the medium which will reach the prospective customer at or near the time he makes his buying decision and the place where he makes it. Visiting the cinema is seen as a social outing. Advertising media selection. Industrial goods, raw materials, machines etc., can be advertised through these magazines. One factor to consider in selecting a specific vehicle is the role it plays in the lives of its audience the needs it fills and the audience attitudes toward it. However, they need advanced planning, do not facilitate repetitive advertisements. Transit advertising is limited in quantity by the number of public vehicles in operation. There is a cost per thousand concept in every medium type but the basic unit varies, sometimes being cost per thousand homes or thousand viewers, sometimes being cost per thousand passersby, sometimes being cost per page per thousand copies sold. Transit advertising consists of car-card advertising, which is located within buses, subways, railways, and outside displays, which appear on the fronts, sides, and backs of buses or other public transport and at transportation terminals. Selective appeal is possible. Extensive testing can be done on the product, price, appeal or other factors before the entire mailing is sent out. Some vehicles may provide these data, others do not. The planner can start with using newspaper as media when introducing a new product and give immediate information to audience about the product through the message. However, radio cannot permit selective advertising. Television and digital advertising have not been able to establish the level of credibility that newspapers and magazines have. When the medium aims at specialized audience rather than general audience, exposure is more with specialized audience. The purpose of media selection is to transmit the message of adver­tising to the target audience effectively and economically. It covers the display material used in advertising programme. The advertising copy can be very flexible. On the other hand, the objective may be to induce industrial buyers to purchase a newly developed anti-pollution air scrubber. But the sale of many products is subject to seasonal variations. High involvement with the medium gets greater exposure. Other forms of outdoor are transit and transportation sites-such as bus stops, electric poles, buses, trains, taxies, rickshaws. The basic media objective is to introduce a new product, build a high level of product awareness, and promote a trial use of it among the primary target audience. They have a higher conv… The direct mail serves as a specific support of advertising. Since one heavy user buys as much as eight regular users, vehicles that reach a higher proportion of these heavy users are usually more efficient. Television advertising campaign created for Apple Inc. by TBWA\Media Arts Lab, the company's advertising agency, that ran from 2006 to 2009. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I figured the best time to advertise on Facebook by observing my fellow classmates at university. Advertising media selection The adage ‘seeing is believing’ is applicable to press advertisements. To that extent it is just like personal salesmanship. The target audience should also be identified. MEDIA PLANNING • No two plans alike, usually includes: 1. It has a wide appeal. Advertising specialties are reminder type of promotion. The advertising copy can be very flexible. The aim of every advertising effort is to carry on the advertising message to prospective customers, economically and effectively. Repeat message is quite common. Many a time, they are bored by repeat messages. can be advertised better in specialised trade, technical and professional journals. A company may select media types not used by its competitors, counting on distinctiveness and domination to justify this choice. The higher the ratings, the higher the cost to the advertiser. For this reason, outdoor advertising, is often good for petroleum products. In addition to time costs, the costs of producing TV shows are considerable. When these types of services are desired, they are an important consideration in selecting media vehicles. It can overcome language barriers. There is a gross aspect to circulation (how many copies of the Fermina were bought last month) and a net aspect (how many of those purchasers are prospects for the product); or, refined further; how many prospects for the product saw the advertisement last month in the Femina. It has high readership. It is suitable even for illiterate people. However, in some situations, companies have achieved notable success by an innovative medium and by using the strategy that allowed them to dominate product-category advertising in a medium. Magazines are qualitative and serve the special interests of people. There are many national newspapers, some state level newspapers and some local newspapers. In a competitive situation, the push strategy may be more useful. This data is most important to evaluate the actual and potential reach of the advertisement. If the target audience is clear then the media covering will be easily selected. The copy aiming at direct action is different from the copy seeking indirect action. Micro scheduling is done when demand is even throughout the year. Furthermore, those media should be selected which will reach the desired type of market with a minimum of waste circulation. ii. The buying preferences of buyers, when and from where do they purchase, the strengths and weaknesses of products as compared to those of competitors should also be considered while selecting the audience to be approached. Prestige is an intangible. Privacy Policy 9. They have limited circulation; they have higher unit cost per contact. Magazines are subscribed to by those people who have certain tastes; they may be interested in movies, households, sports, politics, and industry. It will influence the impact and cost of advertising. Of all the media, radio has the shortest closing times. Later on, there can be a follow up for general detail, image enhancement, and longevity and memory improvement. It has maximum personal appeal. Newspapers have a general and wide appeal. A manufacturer may have a deep desire to go for costly media, but funds may not be sufficient for this. The owner of a television or radio can view or listen to the advertising programmes at a fixed time anywhere within the range of their frequencies. The length of time media is momentary. Some outdoor media are quite low in cost. Having finally decided to use magazines, the advertiser’s next job is to select which magazines should carry his advertising. It has been functioning since 1950. If the marketer desires to create excitement and interest in new product, TV may be prefer­able, since its combination of visual and auditory cues is useful for this purpose. It is found that zapping of commercials during the commercial break more often takes place. (iii) The type of prospects, their location and other characteristics, (iv) The nature of competition and the extent of coverage required, (v) Cost… Reproduction is better than in newspapers but because of its periodicity (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) the impact of advertising is deferred. Television advertisements can be analysed under struc­ture, types of advertising, advantages, disadvantages, kinds of user, rate structure and audience exposure. Account Disable 12. Magazines can segment audiences according to their field of interest-film, finance, tourism or sports, or covering different industries such as cement, steel, construction, etc. By using an integrated, mixed-media approach, and the campaigns can create unprecedented consumer awareness and dealer support. It is not a good means of mass communication. Right media of advertising will enable the advertiser to deliver the message effectively to the intended markets or prospects. Transit advertising consists of car-card advertising, which is located within buses, subways, railways, and outside displays, which appear on the fronts, sides, and backs of buses or other public transport and at transportation terminals. These magazines are specialised publications. It has a wide appeal. In the latter case, it may be necessary to purchase audience characteristics data from agencies. We may also have non-conventional media such as wall paintings, kirtanas, tamashas, special stalls at haats and shandies in rural markets. These costs may be obtained in standard rate and data volumes- although, for some vehicles, particularly TV, these amounts are often misleading, because the final cost is determined through negotiation. Radio advertising increased continuously. Minimum copy, as the massage has to be taken in at a glance. A mass medium, television can attract audiences of every age and income. If the firm wants worldwide publicity, it can go for advertising. Television allows for sight, sound and motion to be combined with dramatisation. All television stations have two signals, i.e., video via Amplitude Modulation (AM) and audio via Frequency Modulation (FM). It can provide detailed information about the product or service, creating lasting impression. One of the most vital decisions in developing an advertising strategy is the selection of the media to be employed. Grocery store ads may be placed on Friday in anticipation of heavy weekend buying. For example, if magazines and TV are chosen- as media, it is necessary to select specific magazines and TV pro­gramme timings. The magazine’s advertising standards and the patronage of a group of respected advertisers are evidence of prestige. The computer has been used since the late fifties. It is really a wonderful means of mass communication for creating market. Newspapers are truly a way of life to most of the literate people. It may not be very effective as listeners may not like it. They are also costly. The marketing com­ponent strategies are unified and organised by marketing strategies. Since there are 500,000 subscribers, you divide Rs. In making media selection, we have to consider the following factors: (i) The financial allocation for advertising. The first job of any planner is to study and review nature of product or service, the intended objectives of the strategies, the primary and secondary market of the product or service, and audiences. Newspapers and radio usually have the shortest closing period; so, if the creative approach uses current events, these media are preferable (unless arrangements can be made with other media). It has a low retention value. In India the advertising is carried by Vividh Bharati and the primary channel of All India Radio, and now also transmitted through the FM Channels. Illiteracy affects its utility. They also vary in their effectiveness in communicating the message. If a TV advertisement is telecasted at such a time that it goes unnoticed by many people then the cost will be high even though the money spent is less. Some magazines may be more preferred by women readers while some others may be liked more by professionals. The cost per thousand then indicates the cost of exposing 1,000 consumers to the advertisement.) The media industr… (They spoil the natural beauty and environment). Providing repeat exposure in a less expensive secondary medium after attaining optimum reach in the first medium. For some purposes, one medium may be superior, for other purposes, the same medium may be unsatisfactory and unproduc­tive. Advertisers ideally match consumer preferences with media attributes. Newspapers are generally published on a daily basis. There are thousands of local newspapers in India. So, unless you have truckloads of money to spend, you should try one media … Direct mail is the most personal and selective media. If the idea is to reach illiterate people, then radio, television and film media are best suited. Car-cards have small size and they can carry only short copy. Many sophisticated advertisers select vehicles on the basis of their efficient coverage of heavy users of the product category, because heavy users may constitute only 20 per cent of the market but account for 80 per cent of the total volume. To that extent it is just like personal salesmanship. The message may be lost, if the radio is not tuned. It can overcome language barriers. It has high readership. Medium or media selection is a unique decision to be made by the advertiser.There is no one medium that is best for all business units and what is best depends on the unique individual situation of the business unit. (ii) The nature of the product and the demand for it. We can measure the reach with readership in case of press media, listenership in case of radio and viewership in case of television. Media planning and selection deals with media identification, identification of factors governing media and vehicle choices, laying down criteria for media selection and evaluation of each media against another, developing media-mix, resources allocation and media scheduling. Media Selection Models - Advertising - Using data-driven business analytics to understand customers and improve results is a great idea in theory, but in todays busy offices, marketers and analysts need simple, low-cost ways to process and make the most of all that data. Types of Advertising Media – Television Broadcasting, Radio Advertising, Print Media, Newspaper Advertising, Magazine Advertising and Interactive Media An advertiser uses a particular media form, broadly classified, as broadcast media or print media, to reach the target audience. An effective media strategy is based on sound and precise marketing direction and marketing considerations. However, they have limited space available for sales message. TV cannot have a long advertising copy. If this is the case, commer­cials on TV and radio would be most appropriate. Penetra­tion is a measure of the share of the target market. Also, there are long lead times. These buyers constitute his market; they are to receive his advertising message from and through the media he selects. It has maximum possible personal features even without personal contact. Research should identify the market target to determine its size and characteristics, and then match the target with the audience and the effectiveness of the available media. Newspapers have a general and wide appeal. Each of the mass media has specific characteristics, potentials, and liabilities that must be taken into consideration when selecting a medium for advertising effort. Spoken word has greater impact than written word. Social network advertising, also social media targeting, is a group of terms that are used to describe forms of online advertising that focus on social networking services. It has minimum waste in circulation. READ PAPER. At the maturity stage, continuity of pur­chase becomes the main objective. If a detailed discussion of sales points is required, the print media may be most useful. Advertising has a lagged effect on the awareness of consumers, and on factory sales. This refers to the number of times the advertising impression reaches the target audience. For companies, it is important to have a clear cut plan in the selection of advertising media. Waste in advertising is considerable. Other peripheral media are neon signs, baggage tags, match box covers, specialty advertising. However, they have limited space available for sales message. e. To deliver synergy, where the total effect is greater than the sum of its parts. There are however also general interest magazines. A media strategy indicates how media charac­teristics or tools will attain those goals. It can reach pedestrians and travelling public. Such point-of-purchase material may include advertising on the package, window banners, shelf-talkers, merchandise tags, package stutters, information folders and booklets and such other displaying materials. Which type should be dominant and which ones supple­mentary? We can approach particular, market segment only. If a local area is to be covered, newspaper and outdoor advertising media are helpful. Periodical change in size and contents is also easy. It offers greater prestige and believability. (iv) Broadcast Media: Radio, T.V., Film, Screen Slides, Internet. An analysis of radio advertising involves the structure and types of advertising, its advantages, disadvantages, its rate structure and audience exposure. Advertising on TV is expensive. The object of advertising is to increase the volume of sales and establishment of a brand name. (v) Out-Door or Mural: Posters, Hoardings, Sky advertising, Electrical. Consumer products such as soap, paste, tooth brushes, cold drinks, beauty aids, etc. There are several forms of advertising and many media. Television uses both video (sight) and audio (sound) signals. An advertising campaign cannot contribute to success unless the target audience is exposed to it.The purpose of media selection is to transmit the message of adver­tising to the target audience effectively and economically. In the initial stage of the product life cycle, the objective is to maximise the awareness of it by consumers. It is really a wonderful means of mass communication for creating market. This attempt is therefore, to identify a fit between media choice and market preferences. In making media selection, we have to consider the following factors: (i) The financial allocation for advertising. However, direct mail is costly. It has maximum possible personal features even without personal contact. 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