Scott has a solid reputation in the small circle of school-district statisticians. OK, now we’ll get a little more serious about this AZ Ethnic Studies ban, digging into some of the assumptions and misconceptions about race and the study of race that the whole thing and debate is based on. Pros: 1. The findings come as educators and policymakers in Arizona, California, Oregon and other states debate adding or taking away such curriculum from their schools. 100% plagiarism free. But to take abstract equality on its face would be not only to ignore the past and the present, but also set a bad precedent for the future. This new law, passed by the Arizona legislature last April, came on the heels of Arizona’s reactionary anti-immigrant law, SB1070, which legalizes racial profiling by requiring police to stop and question anyone who they suspect is undocumented. 4 min read. The Fight Over Ethnic Studies in Tucson, Arizona. Increased innovation is the result of cultural diversity being posit i vely correlated to diverse experiences and perspectives. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Sample details. Let us assume, for the sake of argument, that Arizona either created actual "white studies" courses and programs and staffed "white studies" departments or, in the alternative, let us assume with Prof. Monteiro that all of Arizona's offerings that are not ethnic studies are "white studies." By Staff Writer Last Updated Apr 2, 2020 1:52:31 PM ET. Pro: Dr. Blair O'Neill 1.1. This is beyond the notion of who is "legal. SB 1070 brings us to a moral precipice. Rather, students want to study in internationally recognized institutions, which offer better opportunities and exposure towards preparing them for future career undertakings. People born with birth defects like cleft palate have difficulty in speech. It's true. Guys, have you thought of wanting to become a woman? Cross-sectional studies are much cheaper to perform than other options that are available to researchers. “It’s an agenda to prevent Latino people from being empowered and being a part of the history and culture of Arizona.”, The heat in the southwestern state is only likely to get hotter because Horne is now pushing school districts to reassign teachers who are “not proficient.” On his Twitter page, Horne insists simply: “Teachers who are teaching English to our students should know how to speak English.”. Horne is on record claiming that only things from Western Civilization (Greco-Roman) should be taught in Arizona schools. The state will come up with $250,000 to start the campaign up, and will begin by encouraging Arizona residents to vacation in their own state. Martinez said, “We feel that if our school district is trying to comply with House Bill 2281, then essentially they’re embracing it as a legitimate law... We feel why do we need to compromise and restructure our program, when we’ve done nothing wrong and what we’ve done has been very effective?”. From 3 hours. (There are many different kinds of "bilingual education"; both the circumstances and the programme design matter. ", Monteiro was referring to Arizona House Bill 2281, passed in May, a month after Arizona's controversial immigration legislation. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the pros and cons, societal issues, promotion of change, ... medical, social, and religious aspects of the phenomenon. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research. National education experts have poked myriad holes in the contentions. The Pros And Cons Of Workplace Diversity 944 Words | 4 Pages. It helps in gaining back one’s self-esteem. The measure prohibits teaching (k-12) classes advocating ethnic solidarity or promoting resentment toward ethnic groups. Not only does your being a donor potentially impact you, but it can also impact your immediate family and even your closest friends. IF TOM HORNE, Arizona's superintendent of schools, wants to fight threats to English-language proficiency in his state, he should probably start with his own website. Does more knowledge in off subject matters mean you are always right? Public domain photo via Pixabay. The Pros: Studying with other people is kind of like being in class because you are able to hear what your peers have to say. I believe Monteiro makes a pretty good case, albeit unwittingly one that reinforces the arguments of those opposed to ethnic studies in the schools. Abstraction vs. 7 Pros And 3 Cons Of Studying Full Time And Working Part-Time. Many circumstances oblige people to move from their native country to a foreign one. The law bars classes that "Promote the overthrow of the United States government; Promote resentment toward a race or class of people; Are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group," or "Advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals." 1. Teachers who don't meet the new fluency standards have the option of taking classes to improve their English, the Journal reports, but if they fail to reach the state's targets would be fired or reassigned. Nearly 600 comments lament the teaching of ethnic studies at all. Incredible Pros and Cons of Conducting Surveys. Virtually no one had the courage to assert this while it was happening. Read more: There are several diversity in the workplace pros and cons that must be factored in. For instance, if you visit a friend with a different ethnical background, chances are that the family life at his home will look different compared to what you are used to. Multiculturalism, like almost every other topic, has its good and bad sides to it. “There are people in our state government who are afraid of the demographic shifts going on,” says Julio Cammorota, an associate professor of Mexican-American studies at the University of Arizona. many other reasons make the ethnic customs be an important base of information in the education field. The mascots can also impair race relations in the United States, claims Stephanie Fryberg, a cultural and social psychology scholar, based on studies she's completed. Get your answers by asking now. Formal-race logic, as described above, depends on there being no context, so Horne is able to invoke MLK as if he wasn’t speaking out against oppression and systemic discrimination–as if the quote wasn’t even part of a speech about those issues! "Looking Hispanic" has always been a misnomer; what it really means is those who are dark and short and who look the "most Indigenous." Dec 16, 2019 Oct 10, 2016 by Brandon Miller. Students will attain an understanding and appreciation of historic and contemporary White contributions. In this essay, I will argue Ethnic studies courses should belong in P-12 schooling, because the classes endorse ideals of America. But the larger question in my view is whether public schools, whether in ethnic studies programs or in other courses, should be prevented from teaching controversial issues. And it’s been effective academically. The numbers are disturbing, unsettling, and as educators we have an obligation and responsibility to offer progressive pedagogical and curriculum changes to promote academic equality and achievement for all our students.” (Full interview is online at "), Kenneth P. Monteiro, dean of the College of Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State, criticizes what he calls "a piece of legislative hubris from Arizona that purports to ban ethnic studies in public schools. Scott acknowledged that some of the data available to him was sketchy, but even that observation raises red flags about the district's sensational claims about its ethnic-studies program. Becoming a living donor or a donor after you die is a decision that you shouldn’t take lightly. By way of the same extremist legislature, the battle here is even much larger and more profound. Why does most of the world still operate on the mindset and standards from 200 years ago? But now, the district's own statisticians have - finally - examined the claims and found them lacking. The student will learn to use their brains and skills in different ways that will rub off onto their other subjects causing them to do better there also. Probiotic supplements, on the whole, “improve global symptoms, bloating, and flatulence in IBS,” by modifying the gut microbiome, according to a 2014 monograph from the American College of Gastroenterology. Rodriguez, an assistant professor at the University of Arizona, can be reached, While ethnic studies proponents contend the courses can help address academic disparities by aligning individual student experiences with curriculum, opponents have argued they are anti-American, teach divisiveness and may displace opportunities for students to take el… A high school ethnic studies course examining the roles of race, nationality and culture on identity and experience boosted attendance and academic performance of students at … Cultural diversity brings together people with various skills, creativity and knowledge for effective productivity. It prohibits school districts or charter schools in the state from offering any classes that. The friars, on the other hand, came for souls. Why Did Arizona Pass An Ethnic Studies Bill? According to Portes and Bach, ethnic benefits embrace different kind of moral and material support determined by ethnic connections and can be also received through political benefits due to national coalition voting. Others aren’t buying it, though, insisting that the classes teach no such thing and that this is just the latest in a string of anti-Latino political ploys coming from the state’s conservative politicians. Read More. This is true whether we've been here for a few days or for thousands of years. ", Under the ban, sent to Arizona Gov. In this era of standardized testing, students who have participated in our ethnic studies classes, regardless of ethnic background, they outperform their peers on the state standardized tests. But what these forces are actually part of is the fascistic move on the rise in U.S. society today to reassert white supremacy and American patriotism—and an essential element in that is what they perceive as the need to restore the “official narrative” about America and its “special role” as the “good guys” in the world. Demonstrators hold candles during a vigil outside Arizona's State Capitol to protest against the state's controversial immigration law. We thought we should be welcomed. Students will be prepared for dynamic, confident leadership in the 21st Century. The basic “logic” behind this line of attack is spelled out in the AZ law when it “declares that public school pupils should be taught to treat and value each other as individuals,” with the premise being that all individuals should be treated equally and appreciated for their individual merits. Late last year, the TUSD governing board issued a resolution declaring its devotion to the program, in part recognizing that: "The students that partake in its Ethnic Studies courses, as proven by test results, are more likely to pass the Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS) exam than those students who do not partake in said courses; have a 97 percent graduation rate, and have a college matriculation rate 193 percent greater than the national average.". Did you know that the federal government actually funds organisations that promote bilingual education for minority groups? - Claims of superior graduation rates: Considering the entire 2010 cohort of seniors, 83 percent of TUSD students graduated in four years. Many researchers are tempted to do much of … The law that went into effect on January 1 declares that a school district or charter school in Arizona cannot include in its program of instruction any course or classes that include any of the following: 1. But the timing of the signage is almost uncanny because Arizona, which is 30% Latino, has already drawn criticism over the immigration law, resulting in convention boycotts and, The heat in the southwestern state is only likely to get hotter because Horne is, “”The bottom line is there are a lot of mistruths about the bill,” she said, acknowledging that, Institutionalized Racism and Fear: Ethnic Studies in Tucson, Arizona, Arizona’s Anti-Immigrant Law Is Inhumane & Illegitimate: Stop the System’s Fascist Attacks on Immigrants, Behind the Federal Court Ruling: Vicious Attack on Immigrants Continue, equates ethnic studies programs with high treason, now pushing school districts to reassign teachers, boycotts would damage the state and and its economy,,, Michael Eric Dyson vs. Tom Horne “debate”, College Credit For Ninth Grade "Ethnic Studies". Author: Paul Goodman. This article examines how class size affects academic performance, where smaller class sizes can have the greatest impact, and how some critics question the benefits and cost-effectiveness of class size reduction. Historical Context: If you watched the Michael Eric Dyson vs. Tom Horne “debate” we linked to yesterday, you’ll notice that Prof. Dyson makes an appeal to context when Horne soundbites Martin Luther King’s famous quote that “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” to use *against* Ethnic Studies. The new law, which was pursued by state schools Superintendent Tom Horne for several years carries provisions that prohibit classes that promote the overthrow of the United States government; promote resentment toward a race or class of people; are designed primarily for a particular ethnic group; or advocate ethnic solidarity as opposed to individualism. This conjures up the line from the movie, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Arizona Ethnic Studies Law Signed By Governor Brewer, Condemned By UN Human Rights Experts. I'm highly interested in the new law HB2281, the one that bans Ethnic Studies in Arizona. 1. What Are the Pros and Cons of Cultural Diversity? The Tucson school district has announced, in response to the finding, that it will try to comply with the law. Without a sense of meaning, people’s lives can seem empty, causing depression, angst, or anxiety. So a positive thing could be more awareness of politics and what kids are being taught in schools. By how many times do blacks outnumber whites in the world? List of Pros of Diversity in the Workplace. Though maybe I’m spending too much time offering an intellectual perspective, because, as Talking Points Memo suggests, the ban is probably just a cynical political ploy by the man behind it all, Tom Horne, who’s running for even higher office as Attorney General of the state. State schools chief Tom Horne, who has pushed the measure for years, said a Tucson school district program promotes "ethnic chauvinism" and racial resentment toward whites while segregating students by race. The Pros and Cons of Ethnic Identification Essay; The Pros and Cons of Ethnic Identification Essay. Six UN human rights experts released a statement earlier Tuesday expressing concern about the measure. evaluated with the ESRD population in mind, including the pros and cons, applicable age groups, and the minimum reading level to complete the assessment. What Are the Pros and Cons of Cultural Diversity? Among other conclusions, he found: - Passing AIMS: Students who "take one or more Mexican American Studies (MAS) classes are far less likely than other students to pass the (Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards) the first time." Which brings us to the context argument next…. 9 Pros and Cons of Ethnography. Sociology Key Concepts Major Sociologists Deviance & Crime News & Issues Research, Samples, and Statistics Recommended Reading Psychology Archaeology Economics Ergonomics Maritime By. The unsupportable claim that the ethnic-studies classes of Tucson Unified School District somehow improve the academic performance of its students has survived a slew of critics. List of the Pros of Longitudinal Studies. 1 Note: This paper has not referenced literature that reports on ethnic matching between CALD children and (A federal judge issued an order that temporarily prevented Arizona from putting into effect several major provisions of the anti-immigrant law, but other repressive sections of the law did go into effect on July 29. For this reason, they might find it hard to express what they want to say and at the same time be teased by other children growing up. These students, ages all the way from middle school to seniors in high school, they all walked down to Tucson Unified School District headquarters. About 1,500 students at six high schools in the district are enrolled in the program. Since I have been working on the Ethnic Studies initiative starting in 2016, I have encountered time and again situations wherein administrators are the barrier to Ethnic Studies and anti-racist work. Marxism creates a system of true equality, whereby everyone shares abundantly in society’s wealth. Some businesses may be keen to invest with the higher profits of a monopoly, while others may simply hoard profits and refuse to invest. Pros and Cons of Cultural Diversity Leads to Stereotypes and Imbalance of Power Pro: Adds Variety to Life Across Cultures Con: Creates Conflict between Cultures Pro: Creates Unity within the Shared Culture Don't understand others' cultures--label as weird Assume that own culture The ketogenic diet is safe and more effective than other diets. Scott found that, "after all five test opportunities," MAS students "achieve roughly the same passing rate" as their peers who took no ethnic-studies courses. Since completing university, Paul has worked as a librarian, teacher, and freelance writer. These are basic historical facts—not something off to the side, but realities that are central to the foundations of the United States and its development into an imperialist power. That would be progress. The claims are the only meaningful rationale for the controversial program's existence. Many case studies. 3. Precious Knowledge presents the controversial issue of the integration of ethnic studies courses in schooling.Ethnic studies is the study of cultural, racial, ethnic, and gender differences in America. Therefore, It is one of the most significant benefits among the pros and cons of nationalism. Pre-Colombian Indigenous knowledge from this continent -- the foundation for the highly successful MAS program -- is considered outside of Western Civilization. 21 - 30 of 500 . “Some of the materials are a bit outlandish,” Jaime Molera, a member of the state school board told TIME. In 2008, 37% of registered Latino voters voted. He notes, for example, that "[n]owhere does the legislation mention ethnic studies," but his point is opaque since he then immediately acknowledges some of the primary objections of the critics: Whether there is a "misunderstanding" of whether ethnic studies is "about" pitting "us against them" depends in large part on the nature and content of the "social justice" it teaches. Some studies suggest that certain probiotic strains may also help in mild to moderate ulcerative colitis and possibly for bloating and gas in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research. Now that the authorities in Arizona have outlawed ethnic studies, in the name of opposing “racial resentment,” what does that tell you about who fears the objective study of historical truths and wants to shut down critical inquiry in the schools? "My point of view is that these kids' parents and grandparents came, mostly legally, because this is the land of opportunity, and we should teach them that if they work hard, they can accomplish anything.". OK, all this seems (falsely) “logical” enough, right? Research paper on erasmus, short essay on self study example of expository … Those behind the Arizona anti-ethnic studies law claim that their actions are based on the view that it is “fundamentally wrong to divide students up according to their racial group, and teach them separately” (from finding against Tucson school district’s Mexican American Studies). Law enforcement has that chance today, to refuse to obey SB 1070 that is both, morally repugnant and outside of the U.S. Constitution. When he was appointed the new dean of San Francisco State's College of Ethnic Studies in 2006, for example, a university publication listing his qualifications did not emphasize his academic qualifications (which are real, including a Stanford PhD in psychology) but rather that "[h]e brings with him nearly two decades of experience and leadership in areas of diversity and civil rights," suggesting that ethnic studies is more of an activist than academic exercise. CON #1: PRO #1 The controversy: Ethnic Studies programs across the country have been under the limelight due to the impacts on communities. It’s a pretty large property, and they created a human chain around the entire perimeter of the place, yelling chants like ‘When our education is under attack, what do we do? Many were recruited from Latin America. A diverse group has increased adaptability, a variety … For example, the government provides extensive funding to the NGO Save the Children, which promotes native-language instruction for ethnic Uighur children in China, Native-American children in Guatemala, and ethnic Tai children in the Vietnamese highlands. This, in essence, is the reason for ethnic studies. The attacks on the Mexican American Studies program in the Tucson schools is deeply unjust. 1 decade ago. But even their graduation figure, 79 percent, is dramatically lower than the 97 percent graduation rate that ethnic-studies directors repeatedly claim. What do they truly teach about? The pros and cons of trans-racial adoption Government has removed requirement on adoption agencies to consider a child’s racial, cultural and … Dec 16, 2019 Jul 19, 2017 by Brandon Miller. Calling in business leaders from the tourism industry, she is attempting to do damage control with Arizona’s marred image, preparing what the Associated Press reported as a “marketing strategy” to deal with immigration law critics, particularly those who say it encourages racial profiling. After young students ran from Tucson to Phoenix in 115 degree heat, the bill was defeated. Washington State Ethnic Studies Now (WAESN) has posted a couple of blog posts regarding the debacle that is the Ethnic Studies situation in Seattle Public Schools. Yet, whether smaller class sizes boost academic achievement has been examined in numerous studies with mixed results. Jody. While education is a priceless weapon in any man’s arsenal, many of us cannot afford to get it. If you’re thinking about becoming an organ donor, it’s important to weigh all the pros and cons before making the choice. Indeed, Mr Horne's most disingenuous bit of rhetoric attempts to cast ethnic-studies programmes as the moral equivalent of apartheid: "It's just like the old South, and it's long past time that we prohibited it." As outlined by the Journal, Arizona's recent pattern of discriminatory education policies is ironic -- and is likely a function of No Child Left Behind funding requirements -- given that the state spent a decade recruiting teachers for whom English was a second language. Are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group. That was followed by an announcement by the state’s Department of Education that teachers with heavy accents must be removed from classes for students still learning English. Thus the Los Angeles Times article ended with a quote from Augustine Romero, "director of student equity" in the Tucson school district, who said "it had now become politically acceptable to attack Latinos in Arizona. Rene Martinez told Revolution, “There were massive walkouts. The truth is, a civilizational clash is being played out in the same state in which the state legislature questions the birthplace and legitimacy of President Barack Obama and where Sen. John McCain competes with Senate hopeful, J.D. What are the pro's and con's of ethnic studies? Wrote Scott in a Feb. 23 e-mail report to the administrative aide of TUSD Superintendent John Pedicone: "I have never seen the specific data used by the Mexican American Studies staff to make claims of superior graduation and higher education participation rates. Those who think that there's an immigration crisis in Arizona are correct; however, this is but part of the story. Let’s look at the pros and cons of having a multiculturalism nation. Rene Martinez told, Eleven Mexican American Studies teachers, including Martinez and Acosta, have filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the anti-ethnic studies law. 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