Over the last twenty years Wild Things staff have been actively involved in scientific research in Tanzania. We have provided logistical support to various institutions and companies. We have worked with: Natural History Museum London, Kew Gardens, Edinburgh Botanical Gardens, Basel University, Rio Tinto and Dillon Canada amongst others. To date over thirty new species of frogs, lizards, moths, beetles and plants have been collected during expeditions we have organised. We are familiar with the demands of fieldwork and will work with you to assist in the planning of your expedition.
We provide a comprehensive service from vehicles, mobile offices and camping equipment to assistance with local authorities. We liase with local communities to maximise the field time available to the researchers and provide a safe, secure environment in which they can work.
We handle a varaiet of types of expeditions including small mobile camps to large assessment
Wild Things has a perfect safety record and works with the institutions in question to provide appropriate risk assessments and mitigation measures.