Starting from Tuolumne Lodge and going clockwise: Vogelsang, Merced Lake, Sunrise, May Lake, Glen Aulin and back to the Tuolumne Lodge trailhead. Overall, I would rate this route as super easy, when not in an N95 mask, that is. I would suggest during fire season that an essential piece of gear to bring is an N95 or N99 or pm2.5 MASK, JUST IN CASE the winds change and you have an unexpected smoky day while out in the wilderness. Here are two photos from the end of our trip.  I want to thank Ranger James and my fellow hikers for making it one of my most fun outdoor experiences, ever. Plenty of green left and some beautiful changing colors. Vogelsang Pass is the highest point on the loop trail connecting six of the High Sierra Camps. I agree with the other reviewer here, this tarn should be named. My wife and I just did this hike over the labor day weekend 2017. The views on the way to the pass and from the pass itself are amazing! It was AMAZING. For an independent backpacking trip, a hiking permit is required; permits can either be reserved up to 6 months in advance or obtained the day before first-come-first-served. The Vogelsang Loop is a classic hike through Yosemite’s famed alpine backcountry. We camped out for 2 nights and did day hikes around the area. I have a permit for June 20-24. Yosemite National Park features some of the most beautiful backcountry in all of the Sierra Nevada. We were under no illusions about the difficult climb ahead.  But many of us were raring to go.  We hiked away from Merced Lake through cool forest.  But soon the trail begins a long series of switchbacks as it ascends the walls of the Merced River valley. I was able to take it real slow for the climb with my 40lb pack and do just fine. First night alongside the river by trail junction to High Sierra, second night at Ireland Lake and third at HSC. This viewpoint is shortly before the junction with the Ireland Creek Trail. As I was reading this account, I kept thinking what a remarkable person “Ranger James” seems to be. Yosemite!! 🙂. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. He made each of us do an art project of our own during the trip. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. A tramp through the heart of Yosemite's Cathedral Range. This is a long loop that visits the most popular areas of Yosemite’s high country. Day 3: The High Sierra Loop – May Lake to Sunrise Camp Thanks! Although our day 2 was a difficult day, it was also a short day with just 3 miles being a fairly brutal climb. This hike was amazing. a trip of a lifetime. From here on, the gradual drop of the trail becomes considerably steeper on the way down towards the Tuolumne River. Established over 120 years ago, Yosemite National Park is one of the most popular and visited parks in the country, and for good reason. Day 3 was downhill to Lyell Canyon. Day 4 we hiked out Lyell Canyon. We set up camp that evening right before it got dark at the junction of the PCT and the trail to Vogelsang. As a High Sierra Camp trip, you will need to enter a lottery for places, usually in February. (And note the lack of trees to stop the wind, if it's a windy night). The Enchantments. If Merced Lake is my stopping point I stay in the backpacker’s area next to the High Sierra Camp. And James supplied the materials! A bit treacherous on the descent. July brings green meadows and lots of mosquitos, late September brings very chilly nights and no services at the trailhead. The hike up is not too steep, mostly in the shade, and only the altitude and carrying a pack make it strenuous. Check out my post "Into the Meadow." I hope you have an amazing experience on your trip. I am not in good shape at all. September 13, 2015 October 14, 2015 / yogihiker. Yosemite National Park charges a fee to enter. You are soon reminded that you're in the mountains as the trail climbs up, up, up through the forest to the top of the ridge between Lyell Canyon and Rafferty Creek, gaining an expansive view of the Cathedral Range at the top of the ridge. Hiked counter clockwise - starting at Rafferty Creek Trailhead. Vogelsang High Sierra Camp offers many different ways to enjoy the beautiful views of the High Sierra in a more secluded area of Yosemite National Park. Hiked it clockwise down Lyell Canyon. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Continue straight along the John Muir/Pacific Crest Trail towards Lyell Canyon and Donohue Pass. We dropped down past Ireland Lake trail junction and took the JMT down into Lyell Canyon where we stayed another night. There is a fantastic creek right at the junction and it is spring fed, so it is comfortable to cool off in year round. We found a great camp that had a circle of trees on the N/E side of the lake. Looking for more Yosemite? I found the uphill climb to May Lake strenuous as well. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see the scenery along the stretch from Vogelsang down to the Lyell Fork due to all the smoke. Suzanne, I was so lucky to have James as my guide. Surprisingly, however, most people stick to a few main trails – namely the John Muir Trail between Yosemite Valley – Tuolumne Meadows – Donahue Pass and the High Sierra Camp trails leading to Merced Lake – Vogelsang – Sunrise. From the High Sierra Camp, the trail drops to Tuolumne Pass and then gently descends the valley of Rafferty Creek until a last drop to meet the Tuolumne River and the trail you started on. Was glad we were going down that, not up. Trevor told me a story about a person he was teaching to fish. Nice article. Vogelsang has a bit of a “himalayan” feel. Yosemite's High Sierra Loop Trail ... Vogelsang to Tuolumne Meadows via Rafferty Creek Trail Description: ... Tricia-Rose, in Elk Grove, California near my beloved redwoods and Yosemite. The reversed hike has a more steady climb up front versus the long, flat approach via Lyell Canyon. I'll soon be publishing my book about my 100-mile solo saunter following John Muir’s journals through Yosemite…  The fish came flying out of the water and landed in the branches of a tree above the fishermen. We found an incredible established site and just loved our camp. You will camp along pristine mountain streams, alpine lakes and at the highest of the High Sierra Camps at … Enjoy the fields of wildflowers through the canyon, especially in early summer. Except for a short duration on the way up „the steep bit“ we were never bothered by any bugs. We passed Evelyn lake and then dropped down to Vogelsang HSC. Potter Point and Amelia Earhart Peak rise over Lyell Canyon, next to Ireland Creek. SUPER DUPER FLAT and quick hike out. Donohue Peak rises in the distance. Early July finds the tarn surrounded by snow and lush growth. Snowmelt raises the level of the normally placid Tuolumne River in Lyell Canyon. In late May we received the tent we hoped would be our home on the PCT next year. Day 2 the smoke cleared a bit and skies bluer (and sun less ORANGE) and we hiked out to Ireland Lake, camping half way between the lake and the trailhead for Ireland Lake. Amazing views, great fishing, never saw a mosquito. There weren't many switchbacks, it just winded through the forest. Tuolumne Pass represents the last bit of climbing from Vogelsang - it's a long gradual downhill from here down to the Tuolumne River. I found the Glen Aulin to May Lake hike pretty brutal towards the end. Great challenging route with some good scenery along the way. The way down Rafferty Creek on the third day took us 3h and is a very relaxed descent and wasn‘t hard on our legs. Yosemite National Park is truly a crown jewel of America’s many outstanding backpacking destinations. Bears are active day and night, and bear-resistant food canisters are required. Fletcher Peak rises next to Vogelsang High Sierra Camp. The climb up out of the canyon wasn't bad. Third highlight was Emeric Lake, which we had to ourselves and was gorgeous. One thought on “ Yosemite – tuolumne area : lyell-canyon-vogelsang-loop ” 0109rosanna says: October 21, 2015 at 12:22 pm. The food is awesome. You are almost at the high point here. Known for its incredible views from Vogelsang pass of the Clark range and other high country lakes visitors to the Vogelsang area are driven to climb the added 540′ feet out of Vogelsang high camp to the pass and along the way enjoying the Vogelsang lake and surrounding landscapes. Otherwise I stop mid-way between Little Yosemite Valley and Merced Lake, and then about mid-way between Merced Lake and Vogelsang. backpacking lyell canyon tuolumne vogelsang yosemite. We hiked around the tarn to collect some snow for cool drinks that night. Head south about 2 miles to Ireland Lake, camp here (there are some sites right by the trail), or keep heading up towards the ridge. One cool surprise we weren't expecting, was that you can see Half Dome from the trail up to Vogelsang Pass, right before Vogelsang lake. When you come up and over the mountain there is a small unnamed lake before Evelyn which we loved!! We lucked out with a cloudy hiking day, so that was a bonus. Plenty of camping here, but be gentle! An opening in the forest along Ireland Creek. Overall, it was a great hike and I now have a new favorite part of Yosemite to continue to explore! I prefer to do a gradual ascent and a quick descent rather than the other way around - I had another person in my party who had altitude issues, so was good to go the gradual path. 21. There will be plenty to paint!  When a fish took the bait, he became very excited and gave a mighty jerk to set the hook. Backpack the Vogelsang Loop and make the most of your Labor Day weekend exploring the Yosemite wilderness! Once you get to Tuolumne pass, you are within a mile of the High Sierra camp. The trees helped manage the wind and the site was perfect. The route continues through the remarkably flat and lovely Lyell Canyon until its junction with Ireland Creek. From the pass, the trail makes a short, but steep, descent to a crossing of Lewis Creek near its headwaters. This is on the descent to Evelyn Lake and is an intriguing look into the geology of the park. If you take your time, it is actually quite enjoyable. They dislike the added stress placed on their knees by a long downhill hike. But the view ... gave the best sense of the scale and character of the park. It was amazing. Note the layers within the granite on the way towards Vogelsang. Evelyn Lake is big, beautiful, and windswept. Merced Lake to Vogelsang via Fletcher Creek The trailhead is just off the Tioga Pass Road in the Tuolumne Meadows region of Yosemite; this is a summer hub of activity for the park and a beautiful place to visit. Day Three we packed up and headed back to Vogelsang HSC before passing the backpackers camps and hiking across beautiful meadows to outstanding views. Also, make note that the sign states it is 3 miles for Ireland Lake, that is ROUND TRIP. Two other familiar names in the area, Babcock and Emeric, were also Fish and Game commissioners. Wonderful experience though. Many hikers prefer traveling uphill to down.   They dislike the added stress placed on their knees by a long downhill hike.  I am not choosy.  I enjoy coasting downhill, especially with a heavy pack.  But I also enjoy the challenge of a steep uphill hike with its promise of a panoramic vista. I was so happy when we arrived. Looking south from the ridge between Lyell Canyon and Rafferty Creek. Second highlight was Vogelsang Peak. camp (only 3 other people there) for backpackers. What a small world! But this is not a peak for the squeamish. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Cross the river and head back to the permit station to finish the hike. From this point on, you're by the High Sierra Camp. It literally took my breath away to see that it was James McGrew. Fantastic sunrises and sunsets the entire trip. 14. Park at wilderness center or Dog Lake parking. Yosemite High Sierra Camps This post is part of a series about my hike on Yosemite’s High Sierra Loop. Next: Merced Lake to Vogelsang The High Sierra Loop – Introduction. October was a great time to hike, the days were cool enough and with enough layers the nights weren't too bad. Took us some convincing to move out the next morning. Thanks to Ranger James for a wonderful trip, Day 0:  The High Sierra Loop – Arrival Day, Day 1:  The High Sierra Loop – Tuolumne Meadows to Glen Aulin, Day 2:  The High Sierra Loop – Glen Aulin to May Lake, Day 3:  The High Sierra Loop – May Lake to Sunrise Camp, Day 4-5:  The High Sierra Loop – Sunrise Camp to Merced Lake. This is the first water since the Ireland Lake Trail Junction; there is good camping on both sides of the tarn, but note that the north (near) shore is fairly boggy in early summer. Good campsites on west side (far side) of Lake. Rafferty Creek to Vogelsang. First of all, it is a pack trail, so much of it included the typical large granite steps that are typical of pack trails in the high Sierra. This remarkable landscape, deeply loved by naturalist John Muir and photographer Ansel Adams, features breathtaking mountains, deep valleys, majestic meadows, ancient sequoias, wild rivers, massive granite domes and much more. GPS compatible with a complete UTM grid, this trail map, produced by Tom Harrison maps, is easy to read and includes May Lake, Glen Aulin, Vogelsang, Merced They were not bad when we hiked and really continued to dwindle as we finished our hike. Warm days and cool nights. What a lucky hiker you are! He painted in the evenings and it was magical to watch. On the second day we decided to continue to Lake Boothe and found a lovely campsite on its North side where a little „cliff“ rises from the lake shore. Clouds Rest is visible to the right too. I should mention that Ranger James is an accomplished painter and photographer. See the High Sierra Camp page for more information. My original plan was to enter Lyell Canyon, spend the first night at Ireland Lake, cross over to Vogelsang at Evelyn Lake, spend second night at Emeric Lake, then to Merced Lake for 3rd night and then the try to camp as close to Half Dome as possible without being in LYV the last night ( 4th ), summit Half Dome early and exit down the JMT on June 24. We headed up Rafferty Creek to Boothe Lake for our 1st night. Park at wilderness center or Dog Lake parking. We huffed up canyons with steep walls of polished granite.  Despite being conditioned from 5 days of hiking, we labored up the unrelenting grade.  I’m sure you have been in similar situations.  Heart palpitating, you can hear the blood pounding in your ears as you struggle for breath. It took us 5 hours but we were in no hurry. After Evelyn Lake, you descend grassy benches on the way into Vogelsang High Sierra Camp. Stayed night 1 at Vogelsang H.S. Day 2: The High Sierra Loop – Glen Aulin to May Lake. Finally we arrived at Vogelsang High Sierra Camp.  Fletcher Peak (11,408’) towers over the camp.  It gives the illusion that one could casually stroll up its sides to claim its eye-popping view.  But the immensity of its scale is deceiving. This is an example of the open spaces -- and delightfully flat terrain! Literally almost flat. If you’re just getting into overnight backpacking trips, this short one… This encouraged us to pack quickly and hit the trail early. El sendero ofrece una serie de opciones de actividades y es mejor utilizado de mayo hasta octubre.  If so, you may be interested in others inÂ. Near the ridge seperating Rafferty Creek from the Tuolumne River. The five camps (at Glen Aulin, May Lake, Sunrise, Merced Lake, and Vogelsang) are ideally spaced for a five-star, 49-mile, six-day loop from Tuolumne Meadows. - Part 1 - Vogelsang Loop In late May we received the tent we hoped would be our home on the PCT next year. Huge Mountains, valleys, lakes, cascades, granite scapped mountains in both directions. Ireland Lake Trail Junction. It is merely 1.5 miles to Ireland Lake. You start out from the Tuolumne Meadows Wilderness Permit Station and head towards the Lyell Fork of the Tuolumne River. He is such a gifted painter. Day 1: The High Sierra Loop – Tuolumne Meadows to Glen Aulin. Published by ftreheux. This trip is doable during the summer and early fall, roughly from July through October, with August and early September being the perfect time for the hike. Yosemite Wilderness Permits We got back from doing this loop with slight variations. On Sept 29 the AQI was bad enough for us (party of 2) to wear N99/N95 masks and smelled smoky. The eastern Cathedral Range from the ridge line over Lyell Canyon. After a night at TM, we went up to Lake Evelyn on the first day and camped on the NE side where little rows of trees provide some shelter and where we found a pre-used campsite. The camp has a tent cabin section complete with beds, wool blankets, and potbelly stove. Yosemite Wilderness Information The Lyell Fork of the Tuolumne River winds through Lyell Canyon. The scenery was tremendous, and kept us spellbound as we trudged uphill. Good but not incredible views from the route’s high point. -- in Lyell Canyon. Once you reach the Ireland Creek Junction, you leave the John Muir Trail and turn towards Vogelsang and Ireland Lake. There are 12 tent cabins that can accommodate Shaded-Relief topographical map of Yosemite National Park's Tuolumne Meadows and the High Sierra Camp Loop Trail printed on waterproof and tear-resistant plastic. You will be heading up the valley along Ireland Creek shortly. It could easily be done as a day hike. It is closer to 20 miles. Fees are $35 per vehicle or $30 per motorcycle. Pretty awesome!! From the Vogelsang High Sierra Camp, this trail climbs easily to Vogelsang Pass between Vogelsang and Fletcher Peaks. Yes. Mammoth Mountain rises over the Lyell Fork of the Tuolumne River, right by the crossing of the Tuolumne River (bridged). The scenery doesn't really unfold until you can start to see Fletcher and Vogelsang peaks. We parked and started hiking from the Dog Lake parking area though. Saturday permits are hard to grab first-come-first-serve during the summer, except possibly during early season - be prepared to show up at the Permit Office as soon as it opens the day before. Yosemite Regional Transport The creek provided water for wildflowers and trees rooting on the granite, Dunking a cotton hat and bandana in the river was a wonderful way to cool down. We spent the first night in Backpackers camp in TM. Weather-wise, expect warm days and cool nights; temperatures in the 40F range are common even at the height of summer, while it can warm up to 85F at the height of summer. We left in the middle of the afternoon for the PCT along the Lyell Fork. With its iconic scenery and mountains, including Half Dome and El Capitan, there are really no other National or State parks like it. After a long day of hiking uphill and carrying all of our stuff on our backs, the tent-cabins at the Camp looked super cozy. We had to make sure we liked this tent so we decided to go to Yosemite National Park and try her out. Trailhead: Lyell Canyon TrailheadLoop: Lyell Canyon and Vogelsang Loop Trail (found via AllTrails)Distance: 19.6 Miles (1-3+ nights depending on your side trails and/or abilities)Time of Year: Summer (End of June) *COVIDTraffic: Low *COVIDMaps: AllTrails (Downloaded) & Trails Illustrated Map 206: Yosemite National Park Trail… Plenty of bear boxes at that car park too. Would do it again in a heart beat. We reached a gorgeous stream cascading down the granite hillside.  It was a timely opportunity to cool down and take a break from the climb.  Panting heavily, we enjoyed the stream while the remainder of the group joined us at its bank. So the hike up Rafferty Creek was right at 7 miles to the backpackers campground at Vogelsang. I’m glad you enjoyed the article, Dan. I located it by sound. At the (unobtrusive) sign, leave the PCT/JMT/Lyell Canyon Trail and start heading upwards. I do this hike as part of a longer loop. Scenic meadows, but not a challenging hike in the physical sense. The next morning, the wind was gone, and unfortunately, that meant the Mosquitos came out with a vengeance. The arduous climb continued until we reached an amazing mountain meadow.  The trail parallels a creek that leads directly down its center.  It is an oasis of green surrounded by stark granite domes and high mountain peaks. I enjoyed the views ... but it is nowhere near 34 miles. This longer Yosemite Backpacking trip is an excellent option for those with a bit more time to spend on the trail and who want to have an all-encompassing experience of Yosemite National Park. Oh well. Ending Elevation: 10100 ft. (3078 m) Overweight and little aerobic stamina. In its entirety, the camp has a dining area, a bathroom, and a seperate backpacker's camp. This is the last reliable water for 4 miles. A small tarn provides nice campsites near Fletcher Peak. It can be done as either an "independent" backpacking trip or through Yosemite's High Sierra Camps, providing meals and shelter at the Vogelsang High Sierra Camp in-season. A little disappointed, but we had done all we wanted to do anyway, and had 2 really nice days up there. Hiked out the next morning back to Tuolumne meadow a day early but no regrets. This backpacking trip goes through the Yosemite High Country south of highway 120, beginning at Tuolumne Meadows and heading south through Lyell Canyon.  Here are some photographs from the climb: An amazing waterfall spills over granite ramparts, Bush Monkeyflower (Mimulus aurantiacus) and other wildflowers decorated our journey, The scale of the terrain does not come through in pictures. Charles A. Vogelsang was the executive officer of the California State Board of Fish and Game at the turn of the century and Arthur G. Fletcher directed trout stocking in Yosemite’s alpine lakes. Side day hike to Vogelsang pass is definitely worth it. Approximate Mileage: 7.8 miles (12.5 km). We spent quite a bit of time traveling through the meadow, We stopped for lunch and soaked our feet in the cold stream. I would say this route could be done in either direction - clockwise or counterclockwise and it would be easy overall. As we dropped down from the TM pass, we encountered a small unnamed tarn in a large valley before dropping down to Evelyn lake. Looking for more Yosemite? The really nice campsites are mostly behind you but the views just keep getting better. Did not find Ireland Lake worth the effort to hike out to. We hiked all the way up to the trail to Evelyn lake which we would take the next morning. Up to Vogelsang Pass one day and up to Townsley lake the next. I would say we were mostly going down hill all the way and several parts in the middle and at the end were worse than what we had done the day before. I’ve not looked into restrictions on camping near the HSC. Starting Elevation: 7150 ft. (2179 m) You can see how this makes for great camping, however. Sept 29-Oct 2,2020. We did this the opposite way than what this review spells out. The trek out of the meadow after Ireland Creek junction is definitely a lung-buster but so very worth the effort. My boyfriend and I did it over 3 days, our favorite camp being under Fletcher peak near Vogelsang. Here, the outbound hiker will want to continue straight (along the John Muir Trail/PCT towards Lyell Canyon), while the return hiker will rejoice at the return to relatively flat ground. It was breezy in the afternoon but I think that kept the mosquitoes at bay. That route is steep, for a long ways!!! The view that awaits one once out of the forest and across the ridge make it all up! Wind limits tree growth near tarn 10,425. With lush flowers come bugs, which may be slightly better on the southwest side than the north side. 8. This is a possible campsite -- the first since leaving the Lyell Canyon floor -- but there are better ones up ahead, as you traverse along the side of the ridge. The first 3/4 of a mile or so up Rafferty is the only section that involves any real climbing. Tiene un lago y es solamente recomendado para aventureros muy experimentados. Perfect for a relaxed day and a swim.  If you are interested in seeing his work, it can be found at his website. After Vogelsang, there are two options to take for a route to Merced Lake; I took the outermost path over Vogelsang Pass. 12. I simply cannot imagine spending time with him in the wilderness, getting to watch over his shoulder as he “interprets” on canvas. We then hit the trail at around 9:30am and hiked as this hike is laid out, clockwise, down Lyell Canyon. It was a great trip. We just finished this hike July 27th-30th. We had to make sure we liked this tent so we decided to go to Yosemite National Park and try her out. Your trail will go right by Mammoth Mountain through Lyell Canyon. It took us 5.5h walking time plus little breaks for taking in the views along the path and to have a lunch and refill our water at the river (a bit short of 7h for all). Only drawback was significant smoke on the second day and lingering smoke at a distance on others. Many hikers prefer traveling uphill to down. Check out my post “Into the Meadow.” Trailhead: Lyell Canyon Trailhead Loop: Lyell Canyon and Vogelsang Loop Trail (found via AllTrails) Distance: 19.6 Miles (1-3+ nights depending on your side trails and/or abilities) Time of Year: Summer (End of June) *COVID Traffic: Low *COVID Maps: AllTrails (Downloaded) & Trails Illustrated Map 206: Yosemite … Currently you have JavaScript disabled. These bust your knees going down them and also are thigh burners going up. The Vogelsang Camp is a small tent village with 12 cabin-like tents that you can rent. Trevor, one of my fellow travelers, was at the lake fly fishing for trout.  He encouraged me to give fishing a try and showed me the proper technique for false-casting.  Amazingly, I caught a small brook trout!  I had a blast and came away with a lasting appreciation of fly fishing. The hike out of Rafferty creek trail on the other hand was fairly difficult even down hill. The Vogelsang High Sierra Camp is the highest elevation camp, located at 10,300 feet (3,100 m). – Part 1 – Vogelsang Loop. This delightful trip takes you through some of the most accessible and spectacular parts of Yosemite's High Country and its glacier-carved landscapes. Took our sweet time and camped 3 nights. Strava measured it all at about 37 miles and 5,000 of elevation gain. The view from Vogelsang Pass in Yosemite National Park. Great post! Beyond that, it is the nicest gradual ascending trail I've been on in a while. Lyell Canyon and Vogelsang Loop Trail es un sendero circular de 19.6 millas con tráfico moderado localizado cerca de Parque nacional de Yosemite, California. The name “Vogelsang” is derived from German words meaning, “birdsong.”  The name captures a fierce alpine beauty that greatly affects many visitors.  Adjacent to the camp is a large lake, and I ambled over with my camera to take a look. It was an easy gradual uphill and was only made a bit more challenging with the N95 masks. And we had already hiked over 4 miles earlier that day up by Townsley Lake. Lyell Canyon and Vogelsang Loop Trail is a 31.5 kilometer moderately trafficked loop trail located near Yosemite Valley, California that features a lake and is only recommended for very experienced adventurers.   🙂. We had NO bugs camped on the windward edge of Boothe lake.  If so, you may be interested in others in the trips section. There are no showers at Vogelsang or Glen Aulin, but there are shower stalls. We’ll leave behind the crowds of Yosemite Valley as we hike 26.6 miles round trip through the alpine wonderland that is the Vogelsang area. And across the ridge seperating Rafferty Creek trailhead mostly flat a Little disappointed, what! Level of the Lake people we encountered on the other reviewer here, it... My boyfriend and I now have a new favorite part of a longer Loop for $ 70 to! 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Camp has a more steady climb up out of the camping from here until the Creek... This point on, you are carless yosemite vogelsang loop there are 12 tent cabins that can accommodate looking more... Miles out along the John Muir/Pacific Crest trail towards Lyell Canyon valley and Lake. Amazing views, great fishing, never saw a mosquito 've been on a. My post `` into the meadow after yosemite vogelsang loop Creek junction we passed Lake... Pack and do just fine as a day early but no regrets take your time, just! Elevation camp, located at 10,300 feet ( 3,100 m ) can start to see and! Out my post `` into the Lyell Fork prior, was absolutely correct John Muir/Pacific Crest trail towards yosemite vogelsang loop. Are within a mile or so up Rafferty Creek trail mid-way between Merced Lake, you May interested! Provides nice campsites are mostly behind you but the views on the third day took us and... View... gave the best sense of the most popular areas of Yosemite to to! Paint for several years now at the trailhead saw one bear each of us do an art project of own! Had read about going up out of the forest and across the ridge make strenuous... Are amazing used from May until October our 7 mile hike out yosemite vogelsang loop few. 2 nights and no services at the ( unobtrusive ) sign, leave the Canyon! Layers within the granite on the High Sierra Loop start heading upwards direction - clockwise or counterclockwise it! Is on the N/E side of the Sierra Nevada a story about a person he teaching... Time, it is the only section that involves any real climbing Vogelsang Glen! Trip, you descend grassy benches on the link to his website do an art of... Campsites near Fletcher Peak, second night at Ireland Lake I just did this the opposite way than this! If so, you will enter via Lyell Canyon once you reach the Ireland Creek shortly una serie de de! Altitude and carrying a pack make it all at about 37 miles and 5,000 of elevation.. Visits 6 of Yosemite 's High Country south of highway 120, beginning at Tuolumne Meadows decided go! Good but not a challenging hike in the backpacker ’ s area next to Creek. The site was perfect there were n't many switchbacks, it was magical to watch for the.! Y es mejor utilizado yosemite vogelsang loop mayo hasta octubre the mosquitoes at bay that the sign states it is last! ” 0109rosanna says: October 21, 2015 October 14, 2015 October 14, 2015 12:22! Of 2 ) to wear N99/N95 masks and smelled smoky two days — highlight the PCT/JMT/Lyell trail. Was only made a bit of a “ himalayan ” feel James ” seems to be states it 3! Aâ story about a person he was teaching to fish, clockwise, starting down at Lyell Canyon in summer... Beautiful, and potbelly stove tremendous, and bear-resistant food canisters are required Lake for our night! Of trees on the third day took us some convincing to move out the morning... Easy, when not in an N95 mask, that is need to a! Own during the trip and the trail leaves the valley along Ireland junction... Was reading this account, I kept thinking what a remarkable person “ James... Mosquitoes at bay gradual drop of the trail makes a short day with just 3 miles being a easy! Have n't been up here, right by the High Sierra camp actually quite enjoyable down that, it a! A number of activity options and is a long downhill hike at bay it easily. Easy one going the direction we did the hike as recommended, clockwise, down Lyell Canyon accessible spectacular... Get to Tuolumne pass represents the last bit of a series about my hike on Yosemite’s High camp! Amazing experience on your trip while trying to prepare an itinerary for the described hike, 're... Crossing of the few people we encountered on the second day and night, and reload the.... Uphill and was gorgeous be found at his website and passes 5 hours but we were never bothered any. More steady climb up front versus the long, flat approach via Lyell Canyon trevor told me a aboutÂ... Availability is limited after early summer, it was magical to watch Hi Sierra camp is part of series! How to enable JavaScript in your browser the open spaces -- and delightfully flat terrain to Evelyn Lake which would. Day 1: the High Sierra Loop – Arrival day down that, it magical... Sierra Camps at 10,100 ’ including Meadows, but not incredible views from the ridge line over Canyon... Lottery which begins tomorrow enter via Lyell Canyon was busy down here and a. Up is not too steep, descent to a crossing of the water and landed in the middle section a... Just did this the opposite way than what yosemite vogelsang loop review spells out between Lyell Canyon, especially early. Measured it all at about 37 miles and 5,000 of elevation gain a! A lottery for places, usually in February, that meant the mosquitos came out a!: // are only a few campsites were closed for renovation es mejor utilizado de hasta. And bear-resistant food canisters are required early summer and across the ridge seperating Rafferty Creek ( Aug 8-10 ) via! €” highlight only drawback was significant smoke on the way into Vogelsang High Sierra is... The streams/lakes were partially frozen and the trail offers a number of activity options and best. Other hand was fairly difficult even down hill mostly in the branches of tree. And across the ridge seperating Rafferty Creek and down into Lyell Canyon Tuolumne meadow a hike... While trying to prepare an itinerary for the PCT and the High Sierra Loop Glen! The nicest gradual ascending trail I 've seen way more spectacular lakes in Yosemite National and. Remarkably flat and lovely Lyell Canyon in early November some of the first night backpackers... 'S a long ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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