A good forecastable scenario involves a thoughtful mix of a threat, a vector, an asset, or an impact. Afterwards, there will be some OKRs assigned to the finance department of the HR company, and for the head of recruitment solutions team of the company. Profit.co’s OKR software provides an intuitive interface to define your Sales OKRs and also comes with 300+ predefined KPIs to make OKR adoption easy.. OKR’s are a simple way to express a motivational goal and commit to a short list of measurable outcomes that push a group towards that goal. OKR Examples How-to Guide to Writing Good OKRs with Example Objectives and Key Results. Technology/Engineering/R&D OKR Templates Get Started with Technology/Engineering/R&D OKRs by Using These Objectives and Key Results Templates. But it would reduce risk, and the key result is more compatible with the modified objective.That was the better goal, so maybe our key results will be better as a result. But, an incident being discovered is not totally out of the question. The OKR methodology is a powerful tool for driving clarity, alignment, and engagement on ambitious goals. Whatever size organization you’re using OKRs with, there are automated ways to track them. Take a cue from these examples & discussion to create your own objectives & key results. Technology is ever-changing and, unfortunately, “ever breaking.” With OKR methodology, IT can stay organized and aligned with the rest of the company. Thinking Fast and Slow: Nobel prize winning research into human errors of cognition, mostly in the forms of bias. As mentioned, we’re going to build this OKR so it is compatible for risk measurement with forecasting and estimation techniques. For more scalable options, check these out. Traditional security metrics are very useful for their informative value. Research defends that forecasting can be improved upon when: Simply asking panelists for “think fast!” forecasts will surely give you bad results. Don’t try to forecast and mitigate every risk, be ready for an inevitable failure. These methods do not interfere with the “how” a team does their work, it simply measures “how much” may be changing as a result. In general, setting OKRs for development teams should be straight-forward and a very good way to go. I’ll describe an opinionated method that fits within an OKR and measures the reduction (or increase) of a chosen risk. If you currently have no method to measure risk, then any quantitative method should fare better than what you have. Ensure digital platforms are secure for remote employees. Key Result 2: Obtain 5 new sources of data. For deep dives into OKR’s, you can read this, watch this, or read this. There are lots of opportunities for organizations to adopt a risk forecasting practice. That is what “assume breach” means to me. As our objectives stated, the team builds out alerting, refactor an app to use AWS roles, and deploys Security Monkey. Engineering OKR Examples for Security. Operations OKR examples for your teams. If you did it, you get a “1”! Our participants are Monkey(🐵), Unicorn(🦄), Cow (🐮), and Penguin (🐧). In this case, we improved our certainty surrounding this risk. He is the Head of People Operations (aka, HR Executive) at google and writes pretty extensively about how OKRs are used there and the success they've had with them. Objectives Management, Continuous 360° Feedback, Performance Reviews, Engagement Surveys. We can’t depend on individual, static metrics to represent our risk, because their decision making value changes quickly. OKR Example: Planning an OKR Setting Meeting. OKR Examples for Software Engineers. In fact, expert elicitation is an important factor in Probabilistic Risk Assessments in other industries, like Nuclear, Aerospace, and Environmental. For free OKR tools, you can try a WhatMatters.com OKR-tracking Google Doc or Sheet here. Over the course of many quarters, we can bolster a probabilistic method even further. Profit is a comprehensive OKR management solution to define Objectives & Key Results (OKRs) at … Especially for the start, you can use this simple template to … Example OKR for Information Technology. Basically, we combined Excel, Word, and software templates with over 100 OKR examples for different teams and departments. OKRs are a common way to guide an engineering team. It is written with some room for improvement: This isn’t necessarily a bad objective, though it can be improved by rewriting it as a scenario. Another, is to pick a quantitative metrics like “fix X bugs” or “reduce X incidents” or “hire N engineers”. This quarter’s progress and the result of the CloudTrail hunt will have changed our opinions on this scenario greatly. OKR Template & EXAMPLES OKRs is mainly a mindset thing and do not necessarily require a special tool or software. Cognitive bias is well researched, and those findings need to be repeated often. Attack the risk however you normally would. A rigorous approach has a higher cost of measurement (meetings), but is far easier than methods with ugly risk matrix spreadsheets. This objective isn’t bad, but many risk measurement opportunities are missed. Objective: Improve authentication from developer laptops into production. Conclusion. OKR’s are a common practice among tech companies and many security teams I work with. In an OKR implementation, the objective is qualitative and answers the question of what is to be accomplished. We’ll manage the cognitive biases associated with forecasts. 100% of new team members meet their manager and direct peers on the first day. (ISC)², Inc. All Rights Reserved. In this section, you’ll learn about the basics of the OKR methodology, including the definitions of Objectives and Key Results, as well as the definition of Initiatives — another important element of the OKR framework. John Doerr, author of Measure What Matters, recommends these OKRs: OKR examples for planning a meeting about setting OKRs, set up in the Koan app. For instance, I believe that a historical count of vulnerabilities or frequency of regressions does not directly express a risk, but it certainly helps inform my uncertainty towards whether an associated scenario would occur or not as a result of that data. They sometimes cascade from executive management out to all employees. Let’s say a ... in taking up challenging goals while having a clear conscience that it won’t affect their performance review or job security. We’ll discuss this later — there is no need for the panel to agree! Has anyone had to create OKR's (Objectives and Key Results) for a Security team? Decouple promotion and salary from OKR & forecast results to avoid sandbagging, which is already a problem in employee performance management. The scenario could have been written in another language, for instance. OKR’s have in one way or the other enabled big companies like Google, Intel, Amazon, Linkedin, Adobe, and many more to stay relevant and out-perform their rivals time and again. If so, could you share? A forecast must decide on a concrete timeframe. A pessimist certainly doesn’t believe their work makes things worse, for instance. Killing Chicken Little: Exploring the limitations and opportunities of risk forecasting. Software Engineer OKR Examples Improve our testing procedures. DevOps Goal and OKR examples to fuel all your engineering planning and performance discussions. Do we want to improve that further, or do we staff other risks? Key Result 3: Develop 5 new progress ideas for extraction of data process. I would give any organization a very high probability (99%) that somewhere, to any severity, has some sort of adversarial activity on a system they own. Employee Satisfaction OKR Examples. Let’s assume the team succeeded in their other Key Results and the breach assessment came back clean. Let’s assume this is an OKR for the third quarter of the year. Key results: 100% attendance of security awareness staff training It’s perfectly valid to assume that you’re breached. If you are writing a resume or CV for a cyber security position, your objective statement must be well crafted to immediately get the recruiter’s interest in reading it. They have access to whatever metrics, models, post-mortems, consultant auditing, or infrastructure diagrams that are available. Key Results: KR: Eliminate systems downtime in Q2; KR: Implement the new cloud backup system and process I recommend checking out their online guide for some help with this. Key results By end of Q1, complete an external penetration test. QA / Tester OKR Examples – keka. First, we exert effort hunting CloudTrail logs with scrutiny, and see if we can shake out any P0 incidents from our investigative efforts. They can make nice key results, too. Since OKRs are meant to be ambitious, a grading on 0.6-0.7 is considered ideal. However, it’s unhealthy to believe that every component of every system is compromised by every adversary at every given time. I’ve become a big fan of the Objective and Key Result (OKR) at companies that take them seriously. We briefly calibrate them to think in probabilistic terms (online training). This strategy has minimal impact on engineering practices while aligning the team towards a measurable rate of risk reduction. These types of risks are normally difficult to measure. How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity Risk: A great source in defense of forecasting as a measurement method. A deeply pessimistic mind that is rational still leaves room for doubt, just more or less than others. Objective: New team members have a great onboarding experience. When Andy Grove first developed the OKR process, he brought his nuts-and-bolts engineering approach to the structure and procedure. Here are some real OKR examples: Tech giants like Google and Alphabet claim to have achieved 10 folds growth through OKRs. It’s all useful and informs their forecast. You’re probably used to these. Key results: Reduce occurrences of data breach to zero; Increase data recovery rate to 100%; 50% decrease in data migration and backup time; Objective 2: Improve company security. © Copyright 1996-2020. Key Result 1: Evaluate the reliability of 25 data sources. This panel believes so. Superforecasting: Research into how errors of cognition can be mitigated and weaponized into effective forecasting teams. Quality assurance in Engineering involves software design, writing source code, control of source code, reviewing code, configuration management, change management, program testing, ... Security Policy. In short, even a pessimistic baseline can be improved upon, and having a couple of pessimists in a panel is actually a very, very good thing. OBJECTIVE: Improve our IT and Infrastructure. Objective. The middle of the quarter focuses on meeting your objectives as usual. Objective 1: Increase data security. Objectives are supported by key results which benchmarks and monitors how we achieve the objective. Do any of these OKR examples give you inspiration? You simply assume risk is decreasing, due to your efforts. Uncertainty is that thing in your brain that makes you shrug at a set of options, or feel strongly about one of them. OKR Examples. I recommend checking out their online guide for some help with this. There are varying mitigations for the risks of bad forecasting. Key Results are metrics that measure the success of an Objective, like the number of sales (Get examples for Sales OKRs) or website traffic (Get examples for Marketing OKRs). They are things you influence. Risk Forecasting: A high level presentation on this method. In this article, you’ll learn about the importance of setting OKRs and find an extensive list of OKR samples and examples for a range of businesses, as well as for individual departments. Your submission has been received! In this example, our beliefs trended favorably even further towards certainty (away from 33%). Rational people, even the FUD slingers, don’t go this far into the deep end. Key results (KRs) are specific, measurable, and time-bound. We’ve already given 2 examples of OKRs that can be defined by the top management of a company. 100% of new team members have their desk set up with welcome gifts on the first day. No, that’s reaching a bit. I am probably going to ruffle a lot of feathers for giving "kudos" to all the google-haters out there but they seem to have really done well with OKRs. OKR tools. It’s ok that Monkey 🐵 has a differing opinion from the group. Google readily adopted the process and has been implementing it since then. Forecasting is dangerous when it is not approached with rigor. KR3: Raise the day-off with salary from 12 to 16 days each year. Take, for instance: Objective: Improve authentication from developer laptops into production. However, our trust in these sources of information are dynamic. Hopefully they do well and finish them all! First, the easy stuff. For further information about OKRs, I recommend the following resources: John Doerr's TED talk; Measure what matters by John Doerr Your objective is to reduce a risk that is expressed in a scenario. As it turns out, the uncertainty of a group can be measured in a straightforward way. ... OKR Examples … 8 more examples of OKRs for businesses. Now, consider that an answer of 33% from the panel for each category would have indicated total uncertainty, as if they have literally no information or opinion. It simply guides work towards a measurable outcome. They inform our uncertainty towards a risk, but do not represent the probabilistic nature of risk, and often do not express the massive uncertainties we can have about a specific scenario. We use the “uncertainty” of a group as a proxy for risk, and we’ll measure it. This is because the value we assign to an individual metric is in constant flux. Early in June, a few diverse and trained individuals familiar with the OKR will forecast the probability of the scenario taking place in probabilistic terms (A percentage belief). This will bolster our ability to measure the OKR’s underlying risk scenario in a probabilistic way. Using OKR examples. Second, the panel measures again, except with our uncertainty for next quarter (Q4). Simple Risk Analysis: A deep dive on forecasting risk. This appears to forecast a breach in one out of every ten quarters. In fact, a panelist (Monkey 🐵) seems more certain something will be found. This is actually really easy when you get the hang of it. Implement test-driven development in 3 new development teams; Increase unit test coverage to 75% of code; Conduct a security assessment of our codebase using automated tools; Make sure satisfaction score of product management to testing team is at least 7.5 A scenario may do a better job defining a risk as a future event to be avoided. Objective: Reduce the risk of “An adversary has accessed production from a developer laptop in Q3.”. The above forecast has a 78% certainty that the CloudTrail hunt will reveal no incident. Many product OKR examples or OKR examples for information technology are straightforward in their layout. Below is the previously mentioned objective that was written to reduce a risk. We can agree on value of data and watch it fluctuate. Example: Achieve 400 website leads per month Enable sales team to secure 5 deals through providing information on enterprise grade security features, processes and practices to safeguard customer data; Allow our OKR experts to help you for FREE. Now you are armed for effective decision making. Our panel is armed with new knowledge. This will inform a team’s decision to reduce or increase engineering efforts to mitigate that risk going forward. Where can I get more information? My final recommendation: start small and improve the OKR process where you see need. What amount of effort and resource do we need to surpass it? However, they don’t really measure a reduction of risk associated with our scenario. by Laszlo Bock. There’s a 14% certainty that an incident could be discovered, and a 6% certainty that we’ll be in real big trouble. It merely sets up a clean forecast. Current evolution sector is fast-paced and flexible, ... Use your OKR as a management tool rather than a performance evaluation tool. Find hundreds more Goal, OKR, and Career Growth goals at SoapboxHQ.com. Strong debate that promotes the role of measurement in decision making. Those are just run-of-the mill engineering work, and you can pick whatever you want. For instance, does reducing the amount of developers that require production credentials improve authentication? The general practice is to evaluate each KR on a scale of 0-1 with 0 being the lowest and 1 being the highest. This method has no influence on the day to day work you do. The difficulty of each OKR needs to be taken into consideration while evaluating it. Share article. Any specific metric may be my most informative data point… up until something replaces it. Ryan McGeehan writes about security on Medium. Decomposing Security Risk Into Scenarios: Breaking down risks into a hierarchy of scenarios, from broad into more granular scenarios. Being one of the world's leading Technology/Engineering/R&D OKRs - Objectives and Key Results - software providers here at Weekdone, companies like yours often approach us with OKR questions:. Google was introduced to OKR by John Doerr in 1990 when it was less than a year old. Thank you! Please also check out our other OKR example pages, Engineering OKRs, Marketing OKRs, HR OKRs, Customer Service OKRs, and Procurement OKRs. You can creatively decide on a specific scope or risk by adding narrowing or widening specificity. An OKR consists of an Objective, which tells you where to go, and several Key Results, which are the results you need to achieve to get to your Objective. 5 min read. Now we can observe how much certainty the panel has gained, or lost, based on their efforts. OKR’s are a common practice among tech companies and many security teams I work with. A “risk scenario” objective doesn’t prescribe a solution. I guess it should be something similar to operational OKR goals, cause it could be considered as a part of infrastructure, something like this: OKR Goal Examples - Operations. One simple form of measurement are binary accomplishments: 1 for done, 0 if not done. Starting small, such as with risk-based OKRs, can demonstrably reduce risk for your organization, and put your organization on a path towards quantitative risk. Included on this page, you’ll find information on “trickle down” OKR goal setting , sample company-wide OKRs , and sample OKR goals by department , including for finance, HR, and marketing. Basically, it's our "How-to Guide to Writing Good OKRs with Example Objectives and Key Results". Throughout the quarter, we’ll undoubtedly gain information that changes our level of certainty about the risks we chose. Objective : Improve the data quality. Introducing OKR Examples: okrexamples.co Okrexamples.co serves as both a resource for starting out with OKRs and a guide for the future creation of them. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. We can feed forecast results into Monte Carlo simulations, allowing us to pull lessons and expertise from NASA, Nuclear Licensing, and other fields that are farther than cybersecurity in understanding extreme risks. OKR achieves this by organizing employees and the work they do around achieving common Objectives. It happens at a lot of other companies. KR2: Conduct the employee feedback survey every 2 month (6 times/year). Key Results are not things you do, like completed projects or launched products. These are necessary, common, and represent project goals and operational metrics. We could use our own certainty as a proxy for these risks, which is known to be measurable, heavily researched, with increasing guidance on improving forecast methods as a measurement instrument. See how OKRs can help your team improve performance. Tremendous energy is not necessary to yield good results. We can introduce Red Teams, Brier Scores, and industry sampling to guide our forecasts. Here’s an example OKR for a small AWS security team: Reduce the likelihood of “A production AWS credential was exposed to the public in Q3”. Key Results: Increase onboarding SAT score to 8/10. They think it’s very likely that no incident would take place, given their knowledge of the environment and possible threats. We can “Chatham House” or anonymize forecasts to share with peer security teams. KR4: Offer higher position to 5 best … Historical data (never happened) poorly informs our future (could it happen?). The last Key Result (#4) is what we’ll focus on going forward. If you've got some extra time on your hands I also recommend reading "Work Rules!" We are moving to this style of goal setting, and I am new to them. Did our work influence our panel’s certainty? Finally, there is a screenshot from the OKR Template that they are using as a trial right now. This method is similar to how a meteorologist forecasts the weather. The first key results (1–3) don’t require discussion. What if it actually increased? OKR Example for an employee working in the Software Department of an IT Company. But by how much? We’re going to make the uncertainty of experts a proxy for our target of measurement. Examples of Software Engineering OKRs Whether your software engineering team is working on code reviews, unit testing coverage, data security, story points, or automated tools, here are some real-world examples of software engineering OKRs to draw inspiration from to document performance. What are good … Re: OKR's for a Security Team I am probably going to ruffle a lot of feathers for giving "kudos" to all the google-haters out there but they seem to have really done well with OKRs. This work has created value in mitigating a risk, but you haven’t actually measured a reduction in a risk yet. With forecasting and estimation methods, we can measure how probable a future scenario could occur, even if we lack historical data for that scenario in the past. Just do work. My judgement would deprecate the former data immediately after hearing new information that screams “oh crap” in the face of the old data, or any fragile model we tried to create for that matter. Top 20 Cyber Security Resume Objective Examples you can Use. creatively decide on a specific scope or risk, calibrate them to think in probabilistic terms, increasing guidance on improving forecast methods, trained to think probabilistically and about bias, confronted with the outcome of their forecasts, How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity Risk, SIM Swap fraud can cost you millions and a damaged credit score, How Gamification is Changing The Cybersecurity Industry, The FBI Warns That Multifactor Authentication Is Not as Secure as You Think, HashiCorp Boundary: Software Defined Perimeter for the Modern Network. Let’s make this OKR. ... Information security is incredibly important to a business and often overlooked in the early stages of development. Rather, they are a lagging indicator of work performed. This information comes from a lot of places: The hands-on work itself, industry trends, breaches, maybe vulnerability reports in other areas of infrastructure, our own exploit research, a bombshell disclosure tweet, etc. Thus, this panel is expressing an opinion in probabilistic terms that it’s most likely there won’t be an incident in that timeframe. How to write good OKRs? To measure this risk scenario, we will use a forecast panel. When getting started with OKRs — Objectives and Key Results — the most common questions we get at Weekdone are:. Creating OKRs that are compatible with estimation and forecasting techniques can allow us to better measure progress in risk reduction. Initiatives are all the projects and tasks that will help you achieve your Key Results. Now let’s get to the “hard part”. For instance: “We added the XYZ business application to our Single Sign On platform”. They must believe there is some small likelihood it could happen. In Google’s early days, Marisa Meyer said: “It’s not a key result unless it has a number.”. These examples will hopefully help with making your transition to OKRs as smooth as possible so you can focus on setting only the best OKRs from the get go. KR1: Conduct the survey about difficulties when working every week with 100% employee. Here, we will first see some examples of objectives and key results assigned to the company. Key Results need to be measurable. Let’s start with an example for when you’re planning a meeting about setting OKRs. We’ve committed to doing two things at the end of the quarter. If you have faith that the efforts of individuals will improve risks, then you can measure that reduction of uncertainty in probabilistic terms. Further information on OKRs. That’s not the case here, the participants don’t believe that each option is equal to the other. Europe, Middle East, Africa Chapter Groups. 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