They include infections contracted by drinking contaminated water directly. Diseases Caused By Protozoa: Literally meaning “first animals“, protozoans are considered to be one of the very first organisms to thrive in the planet. Describe the structure of a virus. Gonococcal Infection (Gonorrhea) CDC … Learn more about types of bacterial disease and the mechanism by which bacteria cause illness. Macro of mosquito (Aedes aegypti) sucking blood close up on the human skin. Bacillary Dysentery is a commonly occurring intestinal inflammation that is caused by a bacterium that stays in genus Shigella. The very first case of this disease was found in Philadelphia in 1976 and its symptoms are observed to be somewhat same as that of flu of pneumonia. Tetanus: Tetanus (Greek tetanos means to stretch) is caused by Clostridium tetani. Almost 1% of world’s population is currently affected by Pneumonia and it … Chest X-ray : interstitial infiltration at left upper lung due to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis infection. Viruses. There are over 50 species of bacteria that cause plant diseases. The bacteria that cause these diseases spread through vectors in … Cholera – Vibrio cholerae (Treatable) Anthrax– Bacterium Bacillus anthracis (Can be trated); Diphtheria – Corynebacterium diphtheriae (Can be prevented using vaccines); Leprosy – Mycobacterium leprae (Treatable by a medical professional) Botulism – Clostridium botulinum (Treatable) Syphilis – Treponema pallidum (Can be Treated) Infectious diseases can be caused by: 1. Infectious disease caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae that multiplies in the intestine, … This disease often occurs due to attack of viruses and bacteria. It affects the lungs and is characterized by coughing and shortness of breath etc. Bacteria come in three basic shapes: rod-shaped (bacilli), spherical (cocci), or helical (spirilla). It's caused by bacteria like Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter species, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, and Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Gonorrhea: Affects the urethra, throat, and rectum in both males and females - It's caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia: Characterized by pain and discharge from the vagina and penis -It's caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, Urethritis (Gonorrheal endocarditis, gonorrheal arthritis, Nongonococcal urethritis, meningitis): Inflammation of the urethra that causes pain during urination - It can be caused by the Gonococcus and Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria, Pelvic inflammatory disease: Affects the reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, etc.) There are thousands of different types of bacteria and they live in every environment imaginable anywhere in the world. These can cause many forms of infections including but not necessarily limited to "anthrax", gastroenteritis, blood stream infections, and infections of the heart called endocarditis. While most bacteria are harmless to plants, there are some varieties that can cause tremendous destruction to the plant and kill it. This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total. History rates influenza as world’s worst disease. Pneumonia. This disease mostly affects adults where the common symptoms include difficulty in breathing, cough and fever etc. These bacteria enter the plant cells by pruning, cracks, stomata opening, cuts and wounds. A bacterial infection is a proliferation of a harmful strain of bacteria on or inside the body. Other types of microorganisms include viruses, some fungi, and some parasites. Bacterial diseases include any type of illness caused by bacteria. List of Diseases Caused by Virus, Bacteria, Protozoa and Worm - Read online for free. The material on this page is not medical advice and is not to be used for diagnosis or treatment. Mosquito is carrier of Malaria, Encephalitis, Dengue and Zika virus. Although, few of these cases use to be mild in nature but there are several harmful ones too. Functions of Lipids, Proteins, & Lipopolysaccharides on Cell Membrane. The Anthrax Bacterium lead to direct attack on immune system of human body and it also emits toxins into bloodstream. It's caused by the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi, Bacterial vaginosis: An infection of the vagina that can affect pregnancy. - It's caused by several bacteria including Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. It's caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, Chancroid: Characterized by chancroids (painful, open sores) around the genitals. Indeed, many professional medical books are devoted exclusively to this topic. For bacterial sexually transmitted diseases you need to stay safe while making sexual contact with your partner. About 214 million people throughout world are affected with infection of this mosquito borne disease. Salmonella Typhi Bacterium is major cause behind Typhoid fever. These bacteria enter the plant cells by pruning, cracks, stomata opening, cuts and wounds. There are over 50 species of bacteria that cause plant diseases. Peptic ulcer disease and gastritis: Affects the lining of the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine and is characterized by open sores - It's caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, Gastroenteritis: Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract - It can be caused by various bacteria like Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium perfringens and some Salmonella species, Cholera: Affects the small intestine and is characterized by diarrhea and dehydration It's caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Please use your own words. List of Diseases caused by Bacteria. Also, prefer to drink contamination free water to stay safe. In United State, Measles is commonly recognised as a childhood disease but the fact is that it can also lead to drastic impact at other stages of life. C. tetani is a … Studies reveal that Pneumonia is one of the major reasons behind occurring deaths in US. Periodontal disease: Gum infection that affects tissues holding teeth in place. All rights reserved. This disease often gets spread via air or may also get transferred from milk that comes from infected cows. Dysentery also affects people who usually do not wash hands after using toilet. Cholera: Pathogen – Vibrio cholerae. The range of symptoms associated with Dysentery usually varies from mild to severe and the most common of these are pain, high fever, bloody diarrhea etc. 4. It is … The bacterium that is responsible to cause this disease can live in soil and its average life time is around 70 years. Bacterial infection can occur in various ways. 7 Scary Diseases Caused by Bacteria Almost 1 of worlds population is currently affected by Pneumonia […] Images are used with permission as required. Some of these diseases can be fatal whilst most can be cured. List of infectious diseases – Wikipedia. Here is one of the most common health issue that is caused by bacterium known as Vibrio Cholerae. Giardiasis (Giardia) CDC FAQ's Data. Rather, some of these are found helpful for human body but yes, no doubt to say that few of these can lead to horrible diseases. The bad bacteria cause diseases while good bacteria destroy bad bacteria and prevent diseases. World around us is full of bacteria, they are actually unlimited in number but it doesn’t mean that all of them are harmful to us. When people breathe in contaminated environment they often get affected by this disease. Generally, meningococcal vaccine is capable enough to prevent from development of this disease. Major reason behind Anthrax is Bacillus Anthracis. It is highly infectious and every year several strains are reported worldwide. The list of diseases caused by bacteria is long. List three diseases caused by viruses. Infections caused by water. List of 20 Diseases Caused By Bacteria And Viruses in Humans What are the symptoms of mosquito diseases Infectious diseases are disorders caused by pathogenic organisms – such as viruses, bacteria, or fungus. Bacteria that cause diseases are known as Pathogenic Bacteria. Legs, arms, back, stomach. Pitted keratolysis: Affects soles of the feet, hand, and palm skin - It can be caused by Corynebacterium species, Erythrasma (generalized and interdigital Erythrasma): - Characterized by scaly patches on the skin - It may be caused by Corynebacterium, Urticaria/hives: Characterized by swelling of the skin as well as plaques - It can be caused by Erysipelothrix insidiosa, Skin ulcer: Characterized by open sores - Caused by bacteria like Serratia marcescens, Mycobacterium, and Yersinia pestis, Yaws: A tropical skin infection - It's caused by Treponema species, Leprosy: Characterized by skin lesions and damaged nerves - It's caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, Sennetsu fever: Caused by Ehrlichia sennetsu, Rocky mountain spotted fever: Caused by Rickettsia rickettsi, Mycetoma: Can be caused by Actinomycotic mycetoma, Haemophilus influenzae: Caused by H. influenzae, Hansen's disease (leprosy): May be caused by Mycobacterium leprae or Mycobacterium lepromatosis, Buruli ulcer: Caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, Balantidiasis: Caused by Balantidium coli, Tularemia: Caused by Francisella tularensis, Meningitis: Can be caused by bacteria like E. coli, S. pneumoniae, and L. monocytogenes among others, Melioidosis: Caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei, Lyme disease: Caused by Borrelia bacterium, Bacteria - Size, Shape and Arrangement - Eubacteria, Return from Diseases caused by Bacteria to MicroscopeMaster home, Privacy Policy by Hayley Anderson at MicroscopeMaster.comAll rights reserved 2010-2020, Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. are responsible for most of the diseases caused to plants. Your email address will not be published. If we talk about studies of year 2014 then almost 9.6 million people were found affected with TB bacterium and around 5.4 million out of them died. Here is one of the most common health issue that is caused by bacterium known as Vibrio Cholerae. As per the stats of year 2015, around 48,000 people died due to this disease and around 1900 cases of Malaria were reported in U.S. medical health centers in 2011. They are among the first known forms of life on earth. 5. List of viral diseases in Human: Causative Agent, Transmission, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment. Millions of bacteria normally live on the skin, in the intestines, and on the genitalia. Person affected with Legionnaire’s disease needs immediate hospitalization and the most effective treatment is carried with antibiotics. is an online free education platform. It's caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, Lymphogranuloma Venereum: Affects the genitals, groin, and pelvis. Cholera - It is caused by Vibrio cholera Many other diseases caused by various bacteria resulting in infection: This disease gets its name from the virus that causes it (the yellow fever virus). Bacterial disease, any of a variety of illnesses caused by bacteria. The child sick with measles. This... 2. Anthrax. caused by Eriwinia species in potato. Immunity 1. Streptococcus – Causes Strep Throat. Some of the bacterial diseases … The primary example of this is tooth decay. Causes == Genetics + Excessive growth of the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. Your email address will not be published. However, what many people don't know is that plants themselves can also get diseases caused by bacteria that damage the integrity of the plant's cells. Many skin diseases, such as ringworm and athlete’s foot, are caused … There are lots of water borne diseases. An infection occurs when another organism enters your body and causes disease. **  Be sure to take the utmost precaution and care when performing a microscope experiment. 2021. MicroscopeMaster is not liable for your results or any personal issues resulting from performing the experiment. Bacteria are well known single cell, microscopic organisms and they can live at any location or every climate of earth. Pathogenic bacteria which belong to the genera like Xanthomonas, Erwinia, etc. It affects different body systems but mostly the respiratory, gastrointestinal, central nervous system and the cutaneous membranes. The MicroscopeMaster website is for educational purposes only. Read more here. Usually, around 2-3 questions from this topic are asked in every examinations. Diseases caused by bacterial plant pathogens are one of the most severe constraints to agricultural productivity. However, major impact of this disease is observed in poor countries with too hot climates. Bacterial infection is very destructive to plants. It is well known by the name TB and occurs due to attack of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium attack. A bacterial infectious disease that is caused by the bacteria called Bacillus anthracis. Botulism (and Infant botulism) Sabiá virus: Biofilm around base of eyelashes and inflammation of lash follicles by Docjmrmd, CC BY-SA 4.0. Fungi. English: A list of articles about infectious diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria. List of Various Diseases caused by Bacteria,Virus,Protozoa,fungus and Worm. The most common treatment method for dysentery is hydration and the other option is antibiotics. Some of the most common symptoms associated with Malaria are vomiting, nausea, sweats, fatigue, headache, chills along with severe fever. Aster yellow is found over much of the world wherever temperature of air does not raise much above 32 °C (90 °F). ASTER YELLOW. IMAGE OF BACTERIA IN BLOOD UNDER A MICROSCOPE by Oda Gerdes, Public Domain. One of the most common symptoms of this bacterial disease in humans is severe headache and other symptoms in list may include high fever and neck stiffness etc. 3. This is a list of the largest known epidemics (including pandemics) caused by an infectious disease.Widespread non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer are not included.. An epidemic is the rapid spread of disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time. around the world where they may exist as free-living organisms, parasites, or in symbiosis with other organisms in their surroundings. Studies reveal that bacteria often take their diet from animals, plants and people. Many skin diseases, such as ringworm and athlete's foot, are caused by fungi. Pathogenic bacteria; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Peptostreptococcus anaerobius; Peptostreptococcus asaccharolyticus; Periodontal abscess; Periorbital cellulitis; Peritonsillar abscess; Pneumococcal pneumonia; Porcine intestinal spirochaetosis; Pott disease; Prevotella bivia; Proctitis; Proteus OX19; Pseudomonas infection; Psittacosis; Pyaemia; Pyomyositis Incubation period: 15-20 days. - It's caused by the bacterium S. pyogenes, Scarlet fever: Characterized by rashes on the skin - It's caused by group A streptococcus, Rheumatic fever: Associated with Scarlet fever and is therefore caused by Group A streptococcus, Hidradenitis suppurativa: A skin condition characterized by painful lumps under the skin - It has been associated with Staphylococcus lugdunensis. They can be treated by antibiotics but some bacteria … Gram-positive bacteria have a thick cell wall while gram-negative bacteria do not. 4. Disease caused by Viruses: Chickenpox - It is caused by Varicella-zoster … Bacterial disease, any of a variety of illnesses caused by bacteria.Until the mid-20th century, bacterial pneumonia was probably the leading cause of death among the elderly. They are normally harmless but under certain conditions, some organisms can be fatal and. Studies reveal that it can easily spread to living human from dead bodies. Some of the causes are as follows: The most common and easy way to get infected by bacterial infection is by direct or indirect contact. It may be caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Cheilitis (acute or chronic cheilitis): Affect the lips (corners of the lips) and may be characterized by reddened and or swollen patches - It can be caused by Staphylococcal bacteria, Blepharitis: Inflammation of the eyelids - It may be caused by Staphylococcal blepharitis, Folliculitis: Inflammation of hair follicles - It may be caused by Staphylococcus species (e.g., S. aureus) or Pseudomonas bacteria, Furunculosis (boils): Pus-filled bumps on the skin which can be painful - Caused by S. aureus, Scalded skin syndrome (Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome): A skin infection that may be characterized by blisters and skin peeling - It's caused by S. aureus, Cellulitis: Characterized by red and swollen skin - It's caused by the bacterium S. pyogenes, Impetigo: Skin infection that can result in cellulitis and kidney inflammation etc. There are obviously many other human diseases caused by viruses. caused by Xanthomonas campestris on cabbage. The article below contains details about some of the most widely occurring diseases causes by bacteria so that you can stay aware of them. One of the best ways to stay safe from Dysentery is to wash hands properly after using toilet as well as before handling food. Other types of fungi can infect your lungs or nervous system. Gastritis due to Helicobacter pylori by Patho, CC BY-SA 3.0, Blepharitis - folliculitis. Subcategories. Stats show that around 1.1 million people in US are hospitalized every year due to Pneumonia and almost 54000 out of it die so often. Most of the time, protozoans are microscopic, and only a few of them grow big … It's a complication that can be caused by bacteria that affect the gastrointestinal tract, Acne (Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome): Skin disease that affect oil glands - It's caused by Cutibacterium acnes, Dermatitis: Characterized by itching, rashes, drying, and reddened skin. Diseases caused by bacteria are important because they generally have fewer means of management compared to other types of pathogens, and therefore can … Bacterial infection diseases Anthrax. Diphtheria - It is caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Stats of year 2014 reveal 115,000 deaths due to measles only within third world countries. Although, some of these infections use to be minor but rest cause deep impact on bones, bloodstream or joints while becoming life threatening with time. There are different types of bacteria (good & bad), but in this article, we will explore a list of scary diseases caused by harmful bacteria. List and describe three non-specific body defense mechanisms. Following are a few diseases caused by bacteria with their causes, symptoms, and necessary treatment to be carried out. Stats reveal that almost 20,000 people die due to flu every year in United States. 2. Around 5,700 people get affected with Typhoid every year in U.S. whereas this strength grows up to 21.5 million in rest of the world. E. coli infections (enterotoxigenic E. coli, Enteroinvasive E. coli, Enteropathogenic E. coli), Brucella Bacteria - Classification, Characteristics, Causes/Treatment. History of Bacterial Diseases: There were many pieces of evidence in books and sculptures of these bacterial diseases from ancient Egyptian and ancient Chinese times (3000 BCE) for hundreds of years. If not treated well then it can also lead to death of the patient. The MicroscopeMaster website is for educational purposes only. These one-cell organisms are responsible for illnesses such as strep throat, urinary tract infections and tuberculosis. Bacterial meningitis is an inflammation of the protective covering of the brain and spinal … It's caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii, Sinusitis (acute and chronic sinusitis): An inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (especially the sinuses) and may be characterized by swelling of the nasal passages - The bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae is one of the organisms responsible for this condition, Otitis (acute otitis media and chronic otitis media): An infection of the ear (inner, middle, and outer ear) that may result from an infection of the respiratory system - Some of the bacteria species responsible for this condition include streptococcus species, staphylococcus species, pseudomonas species, and Haemophilus influenzae, Anthrax: Affects the lungs and other parts of the body (e.g., skin, intestine, etc.) Tuberculosis. The most well-known of these diseases is e.coli or listeria. In later stages, this plaque can also involve species of Fusobacterium, Borrelia and Actinomycetes. Parasites. Almost everyone is aware about the commonly occurring bacterial infectious diseases is flu or influenza. List Of Infectious Diseases Some of the most commonly observed symptoms of Cholera include low blood pressure, muscle cramps, thirst and rapid heart rate. - It's caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis, Psittacosis: Affects the lungs and can cause pneumonia - It's caused by the bacterium Chlamydophila psittaci, Pneumonia (pneumococcal pneumonia, typical pneumonias, Chlamydial pneumonia): Affects the lungs and is characterized by fluids or pus in the air sacs. Red spots all over my body. While it's estimated that there are over one (1) trillion species of bacteria (the vast majority have not yet been identified), only about 5 percent of these are said to cause diseases. Even smaller than bacteria, viruses cause a multitude of diseases ranging from the common cold to AIDS. They produce poisonous substances called Exotoxins and Endotoxins that present various mild to serious symptoms. Bacteria can reside in any location or climate on earth. They can be found in virtually all environments (aquatic, terrestrial, the Arctic, etc.) Cholera, tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid are some of the infectious diseases caused by bacteria. One needs to consume special antibiotics to treat MRSA. Yellow Fever. List three common diseases caused by bacteria. Home List of Human Diseases Caused By Bacteria and Viruses List of Human Diseases Caused By Bacteria and Viruses velaallen November 20, 2020. Human faeces and the mechanism by which bacteria cause diseases to wash hands after using toilet this free PDF contains! Liable for your results or any personal issues resulting from performing the.. 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