These bioturbated levels occur just below the storm wave base level, but right next to it. The table below includes specific … MS Dissertation, Instituto de Geologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 97 p. The material investigated here consists of rock samples of the coquinas from the Atol Quarry of the Morro do Chaves Formation (Barremian/Aptian), Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. Câmara (2013) detailed the main petrophysical characteristics of these rocks. It is observed also in the scale of outcrop (Fig. It comprises non-fragmented bioclasts in major proportion (typically 80 to 100%) and micrite 10 to 30%, and occurs rarely as articulated shells. Petrographic analysis was performed with a Zeiss Imager A2 m microscope. Modelagem sísmica-geométrica de fácies dos carbonatos lacustres do Mb. There was no evidence of breccia either. [ Links ], Grabau A.W. In Morro do Chaves Formation eight cementation phases were recognized. [ Links ], Thompson D.L. The facies analysis follows the definitiom from Borghi (2000), using the percentage of fragmented and/or non-fragmented shells and the percentage of micrite and terrigenous material as diagnostic attributes. Schäfer (1972) considers that the laws of sedimentology govern the textural and sedimentological characteristics of the coquinas. Shell beds as paleoecological puzzles: a case study from the Upper Permian on the Paraná Basin, Brazil. (A) shows shells that are not broken while (B) shows large amount of fragmented shells. (Taylor et al. Since there is no biostratigraphic data and there are many complicating aspects to propose a hierarchy of cycles for tectonically active rift basins, this paper used a direct analogy to the hierarchy of cycles proposed by Muniz (2013) for Coqueiros Formation in the Campos basin. 1 *, Leonardo Borghi. This facies corresponds to 45% of the described profile. Therefore, we will use the generic term "platform." Porosity varies widely, from 5 to 25%. 1998. Impure non-fragmented coquina with micrite (Cmi). Two examples of coquinas with similar micrite content. Localization map of the Atol Quarry in the Sergipe-Alagoas basin and panoramic view of the profile area at the studied outcrop. PhD Thesis, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 277 p. Edinburgh, 31 p. Facies and depositional environments for the coquinas of the Morro do Chaves Formation, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, defined by taphonomic and compositional criteria, Análise de fácies nas coquinas da Formação Morro do Chaves, Bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas, sob enfoque tafonômico e composicional, 1Laboratório de Geologia Sedimentar - LAGESED, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. Size and Depositional Environment _____ can only transport and deposit sand-sized particles _____ and _____usually transport and deposit sand, but under high energy conditions, can transport gravel as well _____ can transport ANY sized particles, from dust … shallow marine. Dissolution features within a core plug taken from the Morro do Chaves Formation, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, North-East Brazil. It is observed a thickening upwards. Based solely on the facies association, in this paper, the lake shore is interpreted as a ramp with a gentle slope and or a distally-steepened slope. Facies Cm and Cmi represents deposits of parautochtonous bivalve mollusc shells deposited in a deep subaqueous lacustrine environment, between the fair weather wave base and the storm weather wave base. Fácies diagenéticas em coquinas da Formação Morro do Chaves (Barremiano/Aptiano da Bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas). It is generally composed of 80 to 100% of non-fragmented bivalve shells. Geology 101 - Introduction to Physical Geology, Creative Commons The author interprets it as a subaqueous facies deposited under the debris flow process triggered by river floods or earthquakes. From 25 m to the top, where the siliciclastic influence increases (Fig.10B), these smaller cycles only occur from 25 to 28 m. Greater magnitude cycles (5 to 10 m) throughout the profile, related to the lake level variations due to local climatic factors, are observed. Shales correspond to the base of the cycles and the observed cracks should therefore not be dissication, as discussed by Teixeira (2012). 13 ed. In this paper, a new facies model for the studied coquinas succession is proposed. [ Links ], Tavares A.C. 2014. These facies occur associated. Question 18 of 25 What do chemical and detrital sedimentary rocks have in common? Breccias are consolidated rubble; their clasts are angular or subangular. 2013. (C) Bioclasts dissolution (red arrow). on land (includes lakes and streams), TRANSITIONAL These properties result directly from the abundance and interconnectedness of vesicles, which in sedimentary environments contain air and water in varying proportions. A description of the outcrop helped to identify major features, such as bedding geometry, cross bedding, plan-parallel lamination, sole marks, etc. After death, these shells undergo many processes such as fracturing, abrasion, bioerosion, etc. MS Dissertation, Programa de Pós-graduação em Geologia, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 112 p. (A) Cycles recognized according to Muniz`s (2013) cycles hierarchy scheme in the interval 0 to 25 m. Cycles of hierarchy 4 in the base of profile are related to coast dynamics and carbonate produtivity. The facies Cf and Cm are subaqueous. Facies summary for the Atol Quarry. They are interpreted as coquina bar deposits in a subaqueous environment, as signs of subaerial exposure were not observed. These muddy sediments are generally laminated and cyclic, which record a seasonal sedimentation, such as floods or anoxic conditions due to lake level variations. 2.conglomerate. According to this author, the shrinkage cracks in the Morro do Chaves Formation exhibit very unusual features in desiccation cracks. Micritization occurs early in the diagenetic history. 2012; Teixeira 2012; Muniz 2013). Catodoluminescence was used to distinguish cement phases and to define the diagenetic sequence. Ana Carolina Tavares. 5). In this work, based on petrography and on the regional context, we consider the lacustrine delta model established in a regional climate change scenario. Both contain significant amounts (at least 10 percent) of coarser-than-sand-size clasts. These cracks are not continuously distributed over the bedding surface and they are associated to load casts. Evolution of a coquina barrier in Shark Bay, Australia by GPR imaging: Architecture of a Holocene reservoir analog . Since the Yakima Ridge deposit is in the same basalt flow complex as the well-known fossil wood assemblage at Vantage, it is interesting to contrast the two localities. Apparent porosity of 5 to 10%. 25(2):175-186. Attribution 3.0 United States License, high energy, oxidizing environment with few fossils, angular to rounded grains, poorly sorted, unstratified (massive), ripple marks, cross-beds, similar to stream channel, marine and nonmarine mudstone, siltstone, sandstone, coal, terrestrial plants, mollusk shells, bioturbation, fine to medium-grained, well-sorted, cross-beds, mudstone, siltstone, sandstone, possible evaporites, fine-grained, ripple marks, cross-beds, mud cracks, fish, coral, mollusk shells, sponges, echinoderms, shallow restricted circulation in arid hot climate, extreme chemical environment with few fossils. The general diagenetic sequence is presented in Tab. Usual classifications schemes for carbonate rocks do not differentiated these samples as they ignore taphonomy and shell fragmentation as a response of continous reworking whithin a moderate to high energy depositional environment. Facies, Erlangen, 38:175-196. This is analogous to a 100% siliciclastic sand on a beach with no silt or clay. Coquina with more than 20% of non-fragmented shells, more than 10% of micrite and more than 10% of siliciclastics. It is not possible to establish the thickness of this cycle, since it may exceed the outcrop, but it is minimally in the outcrop scale, about 70 m. It can correspond to a hierarchy 2 cycle of Muniz (2013), related to global climate change or the hierarchy 1 cycle, related to tectonic events. Please check back later. Diagnosis: Coquina with more than 80% of fragmented shells, less than 10% of micrite and less than 10% of siliciclastics. It presents yellowish cream to greenish gray color. Facies models 4. (A) Micritized ostracod (red arrow). Some of the shales have shrinkage cracks on the top. The high fragmentation of shells and little micritic content indicates constant reworking, in a high to moderate energy environment, being exposed to this environment a sufficient time to be fragmented and reworked (taphocoenosis). The layers of sediment that accumulate in each type of depositional environment have distinctive characteristics that provide important information regarding the geologic history of an area. coquina depositional environments. November 28, 2014; Accepted: Thus, shales are interpreted here as subaqueous and related to highstand lake level and not as lowstand lake level, as suggested by Azambuja et al. O conceito de fácies apresenta-se como um adequado critério classificatório para as coquinas, uma vez que é mais flexível e abrangente que as classificações existentes para as rochas carbonáticas. It corresponds to the carbonate platform. The rocks of the Atol quarry consist mainly of coquinas, interbedded with mudstones, siltstones and sandstones, corresponding to the Morro do Chaves Formation. In Muniz's work (2013), facies Cm corresponds to the facies Rm-b that is related to a facies association of lacustrine carbonate platform in deep subaqueous environment, above the storm weather wave base. Morro do Chaves, Bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas. This interpretation is supported by the particle size, predominantly fine to medium sand and mud. (A) outcrop image showing the plan-parallel lamination (37.5m of profile) and (B) photomicrography (sample at 28.5m of profile, 1,25X, PL) that shows highly fragmented shells, more than 10% of siliciclastic sand and lack of micrite, typical features of facies Cfi. Geological Association of Canada, p. 541-577. (ed.). oolitic limestone transporting agent. It is also possible to recognize cycles of hierarchy 3, related to local lake level flutuations. In some samples, the matrix is composed by marl that occurs rarely bioturbated. (1998), the shales were formed in relatively shallow lake waters, representing shallowing upwards cycles during the lowstand system tract of the lake, as indicated by the presence of desiccation cracks on top of some shales. The concept of facies is more flexible, since the attributes can be selected according to the any proposed study (qv. Photomicrographs showing the general diagenetic features of the Morro do Chaves Formation. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 568 p. Cmi - Impure non-fragmented coquina with micrite (Fig. Coquina with more than 20% of non-fragmented shells, more than 10% of micrite and less than 10% of siliciclastics. From the facies succession, combined with a review of the literature on the subject, the following depositional paleoenvironments were defined: high-energy lake platform, lacustrine delta in a high-energy lake platform and lake-centre. Significant deposits of coquina are found along the coasts of Florida and North Carolina. [ Links ], Pettijohn F.J. 1957. The stratigraphic architecture and depositional environments of non-marine carbonates from Barremian-Aptian Pre-Salt strata of the Brazilian continental margin. These rocks that crop out in the Atol quarry complex can be considered as a case study for similar coquinas reservoirs found in the Brazilian continental margin basins. It is thought to form by the postdepositional alteration of lime mud and limestone by magnesium-rich groundwater. Localization map of the Atol Quarry in the Sergipe-Alagoas basin and panoramic view of the profile area at the studied outcrop. Cf - Fragmented coquina with no micrite (Fig. Sometimes, bioclasts are very fragmented, comprising fragments of silt size/clay. 2000; Kinoshita 2007; Renault and Gierlowski-Kordesh 2010; Jahnert et al. However, the siliciclastic content exceeds 10% of the rock volume. Ana Carolina Tavares. Dead oil indications were observed in some samples. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Detrital sedimentary rocks are defined and named based mainly on their _____ grain size_____, while chemical sedimentary rocks are defined mainly on their ____ composition_____. In: James N.P., Dalrymple R.W. They also occur along the coasts of Australia , Brazil , Mexico and the United Kingdom . Synonymy: Rt-b (Muniz2013), CRal ? [ Links ], Dunham R.J. 1962. In view of the observations, the sections are interpreted as evidence of shallow-marine conditions, in which wave, fluvial and tidal actions strongly influenced the depositional environment. Análise de fácies nas coquinas da Formação Morro do Chaves, Bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas, sob enfoque tafonômico e composicional. Diagnosis: Coquina with more than 40% of fragmented shells, less than 10% of micrite and more than 10% of siliciclastics. Rare rounded lithic fragments were also observed. Question 17 of 25 Which of the following depositional environments is most likely to be at the lowest elevation? wind … 7). Description: Very coarse sand (average) to pebble (maximum). Facies Cm and Cmi occur generally above storm wave base, but sometimes, they can also occur below SWB, with bioturbation when the lake presents more oxic conditions. Over the bedding surface and they are interpreted as coquina bar deposits in a condition of greater regional humidity may... 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Environments of non-marine carbonates from Barremian-Aptian pre-salt strata of the deposits and provenance studies can correctly this. 3 are predominant some samples present marl as matrix and it is generally composed of 80 100... Sedimentological and diagenetic edinburgh, 31 p. [ Links ], Tavares A.C..! In basalt silt-sized grains that breaks in thin sheets is called: 1..! Coquina and provide an upper limit on the top of the described profile occurrence tectonic...: Shallow, Restricted Circulation Marine ( Magnesium Rich Waters ) depositional environment for the do. Bivalve shells are found along the coasts of Australia, Brazil continuously distributed over the bedding and... Meeting of carbonate platform in a deep subaquous lacustrine domain the contact is usually.! 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